Fin Rot On Angel..


Fish Addict
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bucks UK
I have recently discovered that our beloved Black angel has an increasingly severe case of finrot, running down the lines of his fins, rather than eating away whole semi-circular sections.

What methods are best used for angels with fin rot? We have a spare 19litre hexagonal tank that could be used for quarantine, would this be large enough? What sort of treatments have worked best with angels?

Hi Paul

I bought 4 angels and lost two to what I thought was fin rot (fin rot turned out to be a symptom of a stress related illness made worse by their weak genetics/inbreeding). Someone online who has more experience than me with this illness in angels gave me the advice of using Protozin and salt (at a 1%, 1 teaspoon per gallon), so as to hit whatever was making them ill from both angles, fungal and bacterial. It worked a treat and the two remaining angels are back to full health now.

Before you take my word though, it might be worth asking in the emergencies bit (if you haven't already) to get others' views too, as I'm far from an expert.

Best of luck!

re - ur black angel

what are the water stats ?

when u say about the "fin rot" does either of the sides of the split have any opaquness ??

or are they straight splits in the fins?
Ammonia - 0
ph - 7.5
Nitrite - 0.1
Nitrate - 40/50

The splits are running down the lines towards his body, splitting them. They are going a bit opaque, yeh.

We've treated the tank with anti-fungus and fin-rot medication.

Kathy, I don't think we'll try the salt as moving the angel into too small small a tank might just cause him more stress, so we've decided to medicate the whole community tank. But thanks. Sorry 2 hear about ur 2 angels.

maybe trying to keep angels is VERY clean water - as this really helps them re-growth the seams on the fin where they have split and can also reduce the opaquness

do the fins have any fluff ?????

maybe stop all meds u are using and the NO2 shoul really be 0 - maybe do a 25% w/c too?

stop feeding for a cupple of days - or move the angel to a q-tank?

Cheers for the replies..

..The water seems to fluctuate from nitrites being 0.1 and 0.. I have been doing 10% a day over the last few days, and 20% today when I put the medication in.

There is no white fungus on the fins, it is just split fins, with a bit of opaqueness.

Does anyone have any experience with the same medication? Does it actually work?

agree with kathy there - i tried the king british finrot treatment - i did even try melafix and pimafix for nearly 3 weeks!!!!!!!!! - NOTHING

all i decided to do is give the cleanest possible environment - and guess what - the darn thing cleared up !!! - call it coincidence - not sure - but it sorted it and my angel has no splits and no opaquness anymore!

be careful of some medications as they can "knock" the bacteria in your filter -- this could be the cause of the NO" in your tank????? - WILDER knows about medications - and ives EXCELLENT advice too!!

maybe try 25% w/c's every 2 days as this amount of water change will dilute the NO" level more than doing a tiny 10% change?

hth? :good:

do angels naturally have "extra" splits in the fins as they mature??? or could there be something causing these tears/split in the fins?
Kathy, it's the interpet anti fungus & finrot med. Hopefully a little better than king british :/

Rob, I've gravel vac'd where there were a load of rocks piled up, and found what could be the remains of a neon tetra, which probably caused the small spike of nitrites?

The fins seem to be much more opaque now, but the actual rot doesn't seem to be spreading too fast.

sorry, what does hth mean? :huh:

hth =hope that helps!!

you wll have to be careful of using medications as some can cause the bacteria to be "knocked" off and that could a spike and result in poor water quality

ideal situation - clean water - see if that depletes the opaqueness - if not then a anti-bacterial is needed

both kinds of finrot look the same and to diagnose it as bacterial would need a "culture" taking to determine this.

definately stop with the feeding or at very least small bare amount as possible but still a varied diet!

good luck :good:

do you have current water stats???
Well I'm afraid it's got worse. The Nitrites are now reading 0.8!

What can I do now to reduce this? Obviously the water quality is very poor for my ill angel now, so what can I do?

I don't understand, I stopped feeding for 2 days, yet the nitrites have got worse?


EDIT: I took out the carbon filter to treat the tank with anti finrot, should I put it back in to make the water quality better, or stick with the treatment [the angels finrot seems to be idle, but still there].
The current tank stats are now:
PH - 8
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 15

So the waters a good quality at the moment, but the finrot has become much worse than it was.

I have put the angel in a hospital tank, he seems very docile, but not too bothered.

I managed to get a shot of his tail...


I medicated the hospital tank with the correct dosage, and took out the carbon in the filter.

What would be the best foods for him at the moment? Are there any temperature differences that may help a poorly fish?

:( Rasta must have died last night, as I've woken up to see him lying on the floor, with greenish gills, dead.

The fin rot looked as if it was going to heal, so why this sudden death? Could it have been shock and confinement in a smaller tank?

If anyone could give me any ideas to how he might have died, that would be really appreciated. I don't understand his death and it really sucks too :(

Nevermind, my breeding pair are no longer.. Is it possible to introduce a new male to a female and them become a breeding pair? Will the other angel become aggressive towards another angel?


Angels are normaly qite passive unless they are breeding......

andf you can hope you introduce another male but its impossible to sex angels unless you see them breed,

finrot is generally a secondary disease and so you should be looking for what may have caused the fish stress...

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