Guppy Shredded Tail :(

it looks very very similar to that , but i would say , my guppy has it worse than that :(

am stunned , he was absolutely fine last night , and this morning he had 1 small slit in his tail , really am gobsmacked at how fast its happened

hubby will be home in 30 mins so will put a few piccies of it up then , they have come out well enough to see how bad he is :(
I know it can happen over night, what your stats specially ammonia,nitrite, and ph.
maybe a 50% w/c if you have not already done !! - or are you thinking the battle is over?????

poor thing
to be honest we think the battle could be over :( the mottledness is now covering half of his body too , , and now the other 4 gupps have grouped together and are watching him , he is at the top of the tank gasping :( hubby is on his way home now , i think it would be cruel of us not to euthanase for his sake and the other fish :( i feel so sorry for the little fella , he was so full of life last night , its so sad to see.

am going to phone the lfs where we bought him on monday and let them know what has happened as the other fish could be ill too

hubby said he is gonna do a big water change tonight , 60% one .
Once you have ended his sufferings, poor little fellow, you need to get working on the water changes for the sake of the other fish. You have some ammonia and certainly toxic levels of nitrites in there. Do a 50% as Rob recommended, then test again tomorrow and be prepared to do another water change, test the next day etc.
aww - poor little thing

what his/her name ?

i suppose there does come to a point where if whatever is wrong with a fish gets too advanced then it is a horrid thought that we try to make them linger on for our selfish reasons (even though it is probably out of affection for the fish)

maybe was a poor fish from lfs??? and nothing to do at all with your fish keeping skills :)


we are thinking of a name for him now , only got him yesterday

he deserves a name before he dies :(

it is true , i already feel selfish seeing him in pain , and leaving him as long as i have :(

sorry about the huge piccies , but hopefully you can see how bad it is :(

he was perfectly healthy last night

here they are resized


Your water stats are bad how long has the tank been set up, i agree a water change, guppys are not a cycling fish they are very fragile to water quality.
Please don't add anymore fish till your ammonia and nitrites are 0.
Your water stats are bad how long has the tank been set up, i agree a water change, guppys are not a cycling fish they are very fragile to water quality.
Please don't add anymore fish till your ammonia and nitrites are 0.

we wont add anymore fish yet and are gonna let the lfs where we got him know tomorrow :(

hubby is gonna do a water change now , do you think we should definately euthanase , after seeing the pics
Do the water change and see how he goes, bless him.
we have only 3 swordtails and the 5 , well now 4 , guppys , are just putting him in the ice water now , bless his little heart .

have decided to name him captain peacock , as he was a beautiful peacock blue

is aqualibrium by interpet the right salt?

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