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  1. redbug

    Back Up Filters

    After reading the thread about the filter leaking I am wondering how many people run 2 or more filters on their tanks? I have a 150 gallon tank that i run a fluval X5, fluval 305 and a cascade 1500 on this allows me to shut down and clean any of the filters with out having the water conditions...
  2. redbug

    Thinking Of Getting A Cory, Advice Please?

    I think the key here is a numbers game, corys seem to do better in groups with 4 being a common number for the minimum. I have 3 pandas that get along very well and are never far from each other. I also have a group of 7 albino corys that spend most of the time together but will go out on their...
  3. redbug

    Second-Hand Tank

    I have used the stuff (CLR) on many tanks over the years with out any issues. but like I said i flush the tank very well before i add fish
  4. redbug

    Second-Hand Tank

    you can use CLR to clean the glass it should do the trick... it is a bit harsh but works great. be sure to flush the tank after using it
  5. redbug

    Breeding Tank Requirements

    I have a 15 gallon bare bottom tank with a sponge filter and heater. i have it near a window for lighting.
  6. redbug

    A Few Pictures Of My Corys..

    I know I have pandas but the other 2 are a mystry to me.. I have had them for over a year and haven't seen them in the stores since. you can also see some of my river rock substrate These guys love to sit on top of the slate cave in the sun I have a 4" yoyo loach that lives in the cave.
  7. redbug

    Midnight Cooking - For My Bn's?

    I feed mine mushrooms and every type of fruit I can get a hold of. use caution with the cucumbers they seeds may cause problems..
  8. redbug

    3 Freshwater Tropical Fish To Give Away To Good Owner

    I am interested.. I can arrange a pick up maybe this weekend? I am free on Sat if possible sorry it took so long to get back to you I work for peco and with all these storms it has kept me busy Yes that is my basset sweet pea I have 2 hounds they love the snow unless it is too deep
  9. redbug

    Free To A Good Home

    I think this needs moved to the UK section
  10. redbug

    Fish Online

    I have purchased many fish on line and have had very good results. The down size is the shipping costs. most people will only give you a live arrival guarantee with overnight delivery that costs around $50. you can try aquabid or ebay
  11. redbug

    Changing Substrate

    I am thinking about changing my substrate to sand. I have river rock (large pebbles and stones) my corys love to root in the stuff but I am sure they would prefer sand. My question is can the change be accomplished with out draining my tank? I also have around 20lbs (dry weight) in drift wood...
  12. redbug

    Fluval Filter

    I just set up a 305 today and had a brain cramp.. I measured the hose twice and still managed to cut it in the wrong place. Okay no problem I went out and picked up some parts to splice the short hose and..... added 2 ft to the long hose.oops so back out to the store I also ordered replacement...
  13. redbug

    3 Freshwater Tropical Fish To Give Away To Good Owner

    how far are you from warminster? I may be able to help you out. do you have filters/heaters for the tank?
  14. redbug

    Is It Worth 100 For Peckoltia Brevis Pleco Quarto

    this is my view, Price and value is only up to you. If you feel it is a fair price then go for it. if they are a cofirmed breeding group the price seems okay. you should be able to make it up is resale...
  15. redbug

    Kribensis I.d

    looks like you have a pair the male has a longer dorsel fin and is flatter. the female is more of a football shape (USA football)
  16. redbug

    Kribensis I.d

    someone sold you two females..
  17. redbug

    Filter Questions

    I am wondering if anyone is running the G6 or G3 filter by fuval.. and what are your thoughts on them. From what i am reading the maintenance is very easy on them and not messy. this would be great if true. I am running an X5 and 2 cascade 1500 filters now but one of my cascades has a broken...
  18. redbug

    New Bronze Corys

    Keep your water clean feed them quality food mix in some frozen blood worms on occasion and get a few more when you can that should keep them fat and happy. As far as an ick outbreak goes i try to keep my water temps up a bit to keep it in check it speeds up the ick life cycle and helps prevent...
  19. redbug

    How Many Corys Do You Have?

    I just pulled the trigger on 6 more pandas to bring my total up to 9 i hope to get them spawning as far as gravel I wanted a natural look in my tank so i went to a landscape store and purchased river rounds (rocks) the range in size from pea size up to half a pound and my cory's seem to love...
  20. redbug

    Introducing Frosty The Snowflake Plec

    looks nice I feed mine a shrimp every so often he loves it
  21. redbug

    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    great news on more fry. my female looks like a marble, she is at fat as she is long. I hope she lays the eggs soon. i gotta catch up
  22. redbug

    How Many Corys Do You Have?

    Your not the only one....
  23. redbug

    Kribs Mated!?

    that sounds like kribs. the ones i have breed have been fantastic parents. they will stay close to the fry and chase anything that comes close away then at night they will round them up and chase them back into the cave they hatched in. just be careful while cleaning your gravel so you don't...
  24. redbug

    40 Tanks To Stock - Suggestions?

    angles are fairly easy to breed but the blacks veils still can get you a good price. I would look at what types of plecos you can get ahold of and go from there. kirbs are another good choice. I am always looking for royal Farlowella Cats they would make a good resale fish
  25. redbug

    If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish

    I am another one that doesn't like the glow fish they look fake to me.. didn't someone say you don't mess with mother nature...
  26. redbug

    Do We Have Rare L No Keepers Here?

    I have a L200, L102 and L066 getting a picture of them may be hard they hid a the time I will try
  27. redbug

    Glass Catfish

    Just got home afterchecking several LFS for glass cats having no luck I will be checking aqua bid next they are nice fish
  28. redbug

    Lolfish Photos

    I have purchased a few fish from him ooff of aquabid.. his stuff is always top notch
  29. redbug

    C. Orcesi Spawning

    congrats on the spawn They should hatch in 2 to 3 days I would place an air stone in the tub to keep the O2 level up and help prevent fungus. hopefully Coryologist will chime in and correct me if i am wrong
  30. redbug

    Mixing Corys Species And Size

    I am now on a quest!!! i am shooting for 62 cories.... with my other fish
  31. redbug

    C. Orcesi Spawning

    great news.. great looking fish
  32. redbug

    Clown Pleco?

    I also have a clown he/she has been in my tank for around 8 years he is very shy. I didnt know he was in the tank until I was draining the tank for a major clean and found him flopping in the rocks as the water level went down. he is getting better as he will come out to eat during the day but...
  33. redbug

    Mixing Corys Species And Size

    wow I must be an odd ball. I have 7 types of corries in my tank I also have 3 types of loaches, kribs and angle fish and 4 types of plecos they all get along fine
  34. redbug


    I use fishing weights to sink mine and a rubberband. it works for me
  35. redbug

    Cory Or Loachs

    are you sure?? I have both but love the corys
  36. redbug

    Help Snail In My Tank !

    Another way to rid the tank of snails is to get a couple of yoyo loaches.. they cleared my tank in a week I had hundreds of snails now the only place i have snails in in my X5 filter but I don't see them lol
  37. redbug

    Glass Catfish

    I have a 8 glass cats they tend to swim in the middle level of the tank and stay together. they are very peaceful and get along well with my tetras and angle fish. i would get at least 5 or six. I want to get some more for my tank and get my school up to maybe 20
  38. redbug


    I need to vent!!! We are getting hit here in southeast PA. with an ice storm that will bring 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice over the next 2 days. I have been looking at AQUABID and see some real nice fish but i cant place the bid because the ice storm may delay delivery. Part of my issue is this site...
  39. redbug

    My Cory Babies :)

    I have found that they will grow at different rates. My albino fry range from 1/8 to almost a half inch in size it will also depend on what else you have in the tank that may consider the fry as a snack good luck Wayne
  40. redbug


    It would be a site to see... 200 corys and 5 neons just to add some color?