

Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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I think this question has been asked before, but i cant find the answer.

I am going to get corrys for my new tank. I know they love to be in groups, but i was wondering if i can mix species? Will they shoal together? If not, if it ok to create a couple shoals by buying a set of one type, and another set of another type?

I have 60+ corys of different species,even though they do do mingle with each other,they do tend to stay with their own species :good:
The 2 that will shoal quite happily are the Albino & Bronze corys has they are the same species,they're just different colours.
If you get a group of 6 each they will be quite happy :)
they might they might not but if they do it wont be as good a group as all same species. it also wont look as good and natural. you could have bronze and albino corys as the albino 99% of the time is a bronze with the albino gene so these will be the same fish but different colouration.

there is nothing better than a large group of the same species of fish may they be corys, tetras or discus etc etc etc. it looks much more natural and gives a much much greater impact. i know we all want a multi coloured tank at first but nothing beats big groups of the same fish :good:
Indeed, i agree! Hence i will be getting about 70 Cardinal Tetras in there :)

If you have 60 Corys, how big a tank do you have?

I am trying to work out my numbers - Its a 360L, for my bottom feeders i want Corrys, Cherry shrimp, and maybe a snowball plec (as they are good in a planted aquarium). So any idea how many corrys i could get away with?
55 gal tank - 4 footer. - i'm nuts about corys :lol:

Depending what other stocking etc you will have in the tank,you could easily have 20+ again depending on type.

My cories are 17 pygmies,15 Tri's,6 pandas,6 skunks,6 gold stripes,6 black schultzis,i harbrosus,3 albinos & 2 juvi bronze.i've had most of them for well over a year to 18 months obviously except the juvi's.
They scatter themselves around,although feeding time you see a mass of corys :lol:
I have three corrys (one died very randomly last month :/) in my small tank, and have had them for about a year. I know i know, i should have more, but i've never got round to getting more!

Do you buy your corrys in a shop, or online? They are not cheap! I am going to buy my 70 ish cardinals online, as i can get them for about £1 each....rather than £3.50 each! I was wondering if you have found anywhere that does corys in the same manor?
Harlequins I look forward to your posts as I love seeing your cory pictures. :)
I've fallen deeply in love with corys and they make me laugh and smile every day, I have a mixed group of 9 at the moment and as soon as I get a bigger tank running I want lots and lots more. Mine all mix in and shoal and roll around together but they do tend to gravitate to their own kind, when resting or sleeping. I love them!
I've bought my corys mainly from various lfs,i've never used online services for fish.

They have varied from £2.99 for the albinos to £5.00 for the Tri's etc,i was tempted by 12 bronze they have on ebay for £10,but i would have serious overload :lol:

My 6 blacks & 6 golds were a star buy from a lovely lady who sold them to me for £20,i had to collect,but even with fuel costs they still only cost £40 :good:

I'm itching too buy green stripe off ebay,but at £15 each,its a tad expensive for me at the moment...maybe one day :lol:

Thanks guppy love :) - i know that feeling well,they are such fun to watch :lol:
Hi Rorie :)

I've bought many corys from breeders/sellers on AquaBid. While this is in the US, if you look around I'm sure you can find some near you as well. Just take your time and read feedback whenever possible. You will also find a price range for whichever species you decide on. Never hesitate to contact a seller to ask questions. Anyone worth doing business with will take the time to give you a good answer.

I'll move your thread over to the Corydoras section. :D
55 gal tank - 4 footer. - i'm nuts about corys :lol:

Depending what other stocking etc you will have in the tank,you could easily have 20+ again depending on type.

My cories are 17 pygmies,15 Tri's,6 pandas,6 skunks,6 gold stripes,6 black schultzis,i harbrosus,3 albinos & 2 juvi bronze.i've had most of them for well over a year to 18 months obviously except the juvi's.
They scatter themselves around,although feeding time you see a mass of corys :lol:
You are killing me.. i have maybe 15 corys in my 150 gallon tank my juvie albinos are still to small to add.but they will be in the tank soon.
I love the look of the albino and blacks in you sig. and will be looking to pick some up.
:wub: corydoras. I'm always torn between black schlutzi and panda's as my favourites though. My Gold lasers are odd too as they will come to the surface to feed for tubiflex worms. But nothing else.
55 gal tank - 4 footer. - i'm nuts about corys :lol:

Depending what other stocking etc you will have in the tank,you could easily have 20+ again depending on type.

My cories are 17 pygmies,15 Tri's,6 pandas,6 skunks,6 gold stripes,6 black schultzis,i harbrosus,3 albinos & 2 juvi bronze.i've had most of them for well over a year to 18 months obviously except the juvi's.
They scatter themselves around,although feeding time you see a mass of corys :lol:
You are killing me.. i have maybe 15 corys in my 150 gallon tank my juvie albinos are still to small to add.but they will be in the tank soon.
I love the look of the albino and blacks in you sig. and will be looking to pick some up.
150 Gals - :drool: just imagine how many corys you could have in there :hyper: :lol:

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