Glass Catfish


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2011
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I want to get some glass catfish for my 140 gallon community tank. Anyone have them and what are they like? Cautions, preferences, how many? etc...

Thanks in advance:)
I have a 8 glass cats they tend to swim in the middle level of the tank and stay together.
they are very peaceful and get along well with my tetras and angle fish.
i would get at least 5 or six. I want to get some more for my tank and get my school up to maybe 20
Thank you for the suggestion! I can't wait to get some!
I have a couple but don;t see too much of them they stay in the same place until feeding time when they go mental
I have six, they stay around the top of my tank together in the Anabus plant but they do come out a few times a day into the centre, even cought them playing in the stream of the Powerhead flow. I will get another six to make twelve BUT there so expensive, 3 for £10 down this way.
I have a group of 5. They do better in groups.

Really like them.
And my son is fascinated by te fact you can see their bones.
Just got home afterchecking several LFS for glass cats having no luck I will be checking aqua bid next
they are nice fish
I bought 6 glass cats for my tank and they are awesome!!

They do prefer to hang out behind a large rock but they start to come out around 7pm and browse around. I will agree that they go crazy at feeding time, it's fun to watch!

I was worried about how picky they were going to be with food, as I read that they won't take anything except live and maybe freeze dried foods because they are captured out of the wild.

For the record, they willingly eat freeze dried daphnia, blood worms, krill AND pressed fish pellets and flakes no problem.

At first they appeared to have no colour because they are "see-through" but they actually have a pearlescent shimmer to them in the light!

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