Mixing Corys Species And Size


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dominican Republic

I have 6 bronze cory in my tank, they are almost adult size, the other day i was at the LFS and saw some panda corys but they are juveniles yet and i would like to get a pair, will the panda corys school with the bronze corys, if so, will it be safe to put then with the biggers one??

It is unlikely that different species of Cory would treat each other as the same species. They will school together some (but not in the same way as a single species would) and having the different sizes should not be a problem if your tank is big enough.

Still, I personally prefer to keep only one species per aquarium.
Pandas are smaller compared to the bronze corys anyway,but they would get along fine.

I have a mixture of different cory species & sizes and they all get along fine,they do tend to stick with their own kind in little groups but will also mix together.

You would be better getting a group of 6 if adding another group of corys :good:
You and more importantly the fish will be happier by seeing a bigger group of at least six, they catfish live in massive (well over 100) schoals in the wild. Have you watched those video clips in this section?

If your 55 gallon tank stocking in your sig is correct, I would urge you to consider getting at least 12 Pandas and possibly adding another 6 Bronze in two weeks time (providing tank stats are still perfect and all fish stay healthy)! ;)
Thanks that's a lot of corys, i won't have space for the othe stock i like, i might get the 6 panda later.
What other fish do you have in mind? As a very general rule, corys do not mix well with loaches (who also scavenge and are more boisterous) or with breeding pairs of African dwarf cichlids (Kribs, Lionheads etc).
wow I must be an odd ball.
I have 7 types of corries in my tank I also have 3 types of loaches, kribs and angle fish and 4 types of plecos
they all get along fine

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