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  1. C


    i will most likley have him be held back i got him on hold till wednesday but im sure he can stay longer, the 29G will be upgraded soon but not very soon it will take a while before he reaches that type of size i knwo that much
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    im pretty sure i will be getting it - still doing research just finished setting up my new 55G i bought so i can dedicate my old 29G to the puffer and whatever is compatible currently im still leaning towards making the 55G a african tank
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    yeah i have been pretty much getting into it and very interested im also establishing a marine tank soon, with 1 or 2 clown fish but did not plan to put the puffer in.... this is funny it goes from LFS saying BW one site says FW then it goes to BW and now SW/Marine this is getting wacky lol
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    i seen a fugu puffer at my LFS today im really getting into them finiding out different things but what is a good compatibilyt species for these i hear they can be very aggressive, i currnently have a community tank with 1 blue ram,2 neons,3 corys and 2 kirbs and also have my krib tank with 5...
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    i seen a fugu puffer at my LFS today im really getting into them finiding out different things but what is a good compatibilyt species for these i hear they can be very aggressive, i currnently have a community tank with 1 blue ram,2 neons,3 corys and 2 kirbs and also have my krib tank with 5...
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    question about puffers

    i think this puffer might be a very interesting fish im picking it up wednesday its on hold, gonan look more into tank conditions etc
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    question about puffers

    looks liek i will be getting another tank since one of my tank consisits of community, blue ram,neons,kribs and my other has yellow labs and kribs which the puffer will eat
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    question about puffers

    fugu puffer is what it is not sure of scientific name
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    question about puffers

    i wanna say its a tetanidous or something sounded something liek that and was told by my LFS its really rare, he also mentioned its a brackish water puffer, quite good sized
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    Happy Guppy Male

    yeah he certainly looks happy :)
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    new corys :)

    teh guppies where bought as feeders but no one ate them :blink: so now i will have them grow and then trade of to my LFS - i will keep a few but the 1 st tank is complete only need 4 neons and one more female ram (maybe) - but a 55gal or 75 gal will come soon due to some fish size in the...
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    kribs stomach

    i got this krib 2 days ago no it was all females
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    kribs stomach

    i know that female kribs are very colorful in the stomach but ever since removing my male (mean one) an dleaving her with the juvi males her stomach has become real real purple almost here entire bottom is covered now i was told they get like that when they get full of eggs but she was liek that...
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    oh i dont need another male ...... my ram is very vicious goes after my female krib which fights back and also chases my juvi krib males who just run
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    anyone one have experience in ordering from foster & smith? im really wanting 2 female blue rams to put with my male and this is the only place atm i have seen them - i will talk to my LFS before tuesday to see if he can get me any in but incase anyone has good feedback about this place maybe...
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    ouch :fun:
  17. C

    What fish is this

    i want them :P
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    Patience, patience, patience...

    sh elooks like she is about to POP :hyper: i got about 30 guppy frys at the moment they are enjoying a tank with 3 kribs ....and no the kribs dont bother them the guppies are to big to be ate i guess only thing that would mess with them is my female beta in her 2.5G VERY aggressive...
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    i have a good amount of kribs including 2 pairs with my one ram they dont bother the ram at all he just minds his own business he does look lonley though so he will get some females very soon - if u make sure u have a good planeted tank and hiding spots u should be fine - i did have a very...
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    sandy bottom

    yeah its finally good to go took a little while but its as good as my graveled tank now :)
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    humane way to put fish down?

    i hear that - i think its pretty cruel to do a thing liek that to a fish though :(
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    Can somebody ID this?

    i really like julii's im thinking of putting some in my new 29g i have 3 in my current one - im just a little bit overstcoked on guppy fry and kribs right now, so if the new tank hurrys up ill be good just have one ot many male kribs i will prolly have 2 females and 1 male krib in both tanks
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    sandy bottom

    k thanks for the advise well when i woke up this morning it was alot more clearer not settled yet but much better
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    Wild Livebearer..

    looks liek a guppy :/ dont take my word though - just looks liek one :dunno: but i highly doubt there are wild guppies in TN :rofl:
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    I would like some tank opinions.....

    125G :P im getting a 75G or larger dec-feb got my second 29G to manage till then
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    sandy bottom

    how long does it take for sand to settle....its been 2 days since i put sand in my new tank and its still not settled still real cloudy - should i runt he filter during this process btw?
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    Rams in a community tank

    thanx i got many pictures :lol:
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    Can somebody ID this?

    hey that looks just like my pic lol
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    I just got my malawi tank set up

    so are labs the only african that would be ok in a community - from what i hear they are ok compared to alot of the other ones, also heard blue johanni is ok but i really like the labs
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    lets work on it :)

    my main idea pretty much was to have a pair of kirbs and something to get along with them i have had a pair in a community tank before and got along currently i got 3 males one male i want to put in this tank and get a female since he is very dominant towards the other 2 while they are peaceful...
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    Rams in a community tank

    i had a ram act liek that well actually the male didnt let her eat - my male hppily eats everything that will drop in the tank unless the kribs snap it first but if i drop a tubifex work square in he will take the whole thing and swim around the tank with it trying to get away from the rest dont...
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    My spotted puffers.....

    my cories and bala shark does that - the bala shark used to go wild he has settled alot
  33. C

    lets work on it :)

    ok i bought another 29G today and im leaning towards cichlids i currently have a few already which are 3 male kribs and 1 blue ram when the new tank is ready im planning on removing my big male krib and leaving the other 2 - the big one is aggressive towards the other 2 when they are very...
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    I just got my malawi tank set up

    where is the pic :) im debating to setup a malawi 29gal - but i really want t breed kribs and im also int rams so i might have to use the new tank for one of them :/
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    New 5 1/2 gallon

    im in the same situation currently except im with a 29g now cant decide was thinking some african cichlids possibly - or uhm yellow lab,Electric Yellow Cichlid basicaly something compatible with kribs since i want to breed them i dont know if they would be ok to breed in my other tank currently...
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    getting tank need suggestions

    oh my neons are deffinently getting friends i was thinking about putting the kribs in this tank at least the bigger male he goes after the other 2 constantly
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    getting tank need suggestions

    as u see not much yet still very confused on what to put in :dunno:
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    getting tank need suggestions

    just looking for people what they think - like so far i have white sand in a few rocks and a dome..... i dont know if i wanna do it all sand and rocks and put some african cichlids in or just liek my other tank mostly community fish ill have a pic of the tank soon nothing big yet
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    getting tank need suggestions

    well im heading out to pick up a tank from my gf's mother its either 20 or 29g, i already havea a 29g with 3 male kribs 1 male blue ram 1 pleco 1 bala shark 2 neons 3 julii corys my plan from the start was to breed kribs or rams so i was thinkingof dedicating a tank just to them currently they...