Can somebody ID this?


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
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not that it realy matters or anything, it would just be nice to know what type of cory i have lol...sorry about it not being the best pic, but that was some1's camera phone and i can't get any more as some jerk walked off with my camera..


  • lightb_cory.jpg
    8.7 KB · Views: 30
yep looks like a juli over here, i'm considering some for my tank.

what camera phone is that? as far as phone pictures go that was great...
Juliis aren't all that rare ... Alot of fish seem too be more rare in the UK for some reason and higher priced you may have been looking at a UK created site .... I see them all of the time I am in Tennessee they are a little more expensive that most of the corys but really great ;)
i really like julii's im thinking of putting some in my new 29g i have 3 in my current one - im just a little bit overstcoked on guppy fry and kribs right now, so if the new tank hurrys up ill be good just have one ot many male kribs i will prolly have 2 females and 1 male krib in both tanks
I think it is C. trillineatus. The markings in the caudal tend to be more obviously stripes in C. trillineatus; C. julii has more a spotted tail with a hint of striping.
>>> How can Juliis be rare?

A lot of fish sold as C. julii are in fact trillineatus and vice versa. The 2 are very similar. I would agree with you though, there are a lot of C. julii around as well.
Yeah, I just wanted to point that out because your cat looks so similiar to my Doodles (rip) and he was definitely a trilineatus. You can definitely see the distinct three stripe marking on his sides... glad I could help! They're really great fish. It's really funny when they cross the tank and it looks like they're trying to walk on their tail fin ;) makes them look like they're waddling :)

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