

Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2004
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I have 2 Kribensis, which I know are African, but they are both females, and seem to do nothing but fight with each other. Do you guys think it would be safe to get rid of one of the kribs and get a Ram to replace it? I am sorta cautious of doing that as the kribs are full grown and I do not want to have the remaining one beat up on a juvi ram. Any thoughts on this?
i have a good amount of kribs including 2 pairs with my one ram they dont bother the ram at all he just minds his own business he does look lonley though so he will get some females very soon - if u make sure u have a good planeted tank and hiding spots u should be fine - i did have a very aggressive male krib that i had ot remove but so far its been fine the ram is not the oldest out of all but he has been in the tank the lonegst compred to my krib when i first got 2 males he showed them who the boss is i wouldnt say my kribs fight they do chase eachother but everyone has their own spot they claim when the ram just browses around do u have flower pots? my krib loves her pot and will warn anything that gets near
I have a rockpile that has many caves and crevices along the whole back wall of my aquarium, so they should be able to stay somewhat away from each other. But the one has taken the whole rockpile as hers, although she lets the clownloaches, and Congos tetras go wherever they please.
More than anything I have one krib that is just way more snippy than the other one, and isn't afraid to just swim around and chase the other krib. I know the more timid one is somewhat stressed as she stays a very pale color all day, but when you first turn the light on after she has been relaxed all night she is just as bright and dark as the other one stays all day, but then the chasing begins.

I hate to trade one in, I have had them over a year now, but in the last month since the rockpile went in theyre driving me nuts. That and rams are cuter too.
I agree with dwarfs, I have a pair of bolivians and they are great, much braver than my blue's.


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