question about puffers


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2004
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I know this probaly isnt the right forum to ask this, but i knew some of you that regularly post on this forum has some, so i thought id ask here first:)
Went to my local LFS today.. and theres a cute lil puffer there.. not BIG, but not really "small" either, he was about 3-4 inches long and kinda fat, then again, i've never seen one in person. He was about 40 bucks.. is that around a good price for one? they also had babies, they were 6.99, tiny tiny things.. but they werent for sale yet.

ANother question-
I know they are brackish, how would i go about maintaining him? how much salt in the tank.. so on.. anythin important i need to know? any fish he can go with? and can he be put in with kribs? He was in a tank full of other fish, and this one ugly fish that looked like he had no eyes lol.. and was at the bottom of the tank, and he was with some of the "upside down fish" .. but i figured they were all brackish fish too-

Thanks :)
well, do you know what KIND of puffer it was? see, there are many types of both freshwater AND brackish water puffers. once we figure that out, more advice can be given. look around in the oddball section as well as teh brackish water sections of the forums for more puffer info, info on brackish (if it is indeed a brackish species), etc.

but first you need to figure out what kind of puffer it was
MAM said:
well, do you know what KIND of puffer it was? see, there are many types of both freshwater AND brackish water puffers. once we figure that out, more advice can be given. look around in the oddball section as well as teh brackish water sections of the forums for more puffer info, info on brackish (if it is indeed a brackish species), etc.

but first you need to figure out what kind of puffer it was
the guy said he was brackish, he or she that is , the lil ones were "red eye?" the big was.. i think it started with a T, im not sure, i dont remember LOL, he was cute tho :)
If the little ones realy are true red eyes, then they are tetraodin lorteti which is a freshwater puffer and stays quite small at 2 inches.

The other one could be anything, but at $40 I'd expect it to be a bit special. What did it look like?

The scientific names of a lot of puffers start with a 'T' for tetraodon
SirMinion said:
If the little ones realy are true red eyes, then they are tetraodin lorteti which is a freshwater puffer and stays quite small at 2 inches.

The other one could be anything, but at $40 I'd expect it to be a bit special. What did it look like?

The scientific names of a lot of puffers start with a 'T' for tetraodon
actually, he/she was yellowish orange with spots ... im tryn to search for a picture either of him or what he looked like
ClustersBabyMama said:
SirMinion said:
If the little ones realy are true red eyes, then they are tetraodin lorteti which is a freshwater puffer and stays quite small at 2 inches.

The other one could be anything, but at $40 I'd expect it to be a bit special. What did it look like?

The scientific names of a lot of puffers start with a 'T' for tetraodon
actually, he/she was yellowish orange with spots ... im tryn to search for a picture either of him or what he looked like
actually, he/she actually looks more lik eur martha but just smaller

edit: but with spots lol
i wanna say its a tetanidous or something sounded something liek that and was told by my LFS its really rare, he also mentioned its a brackish water puffer, quite good sized
fugu puffer is what it is not sure of scientific name
and the LFS made a mistake... he thought we were referring to the rock looking one lol.. the one we want is about 20 bucks.
looks liek i will be getting another tank since one of my tank consisits of community, blue ram,neons,kribs and my other has yellow labs and kribs

which the puffer will eat
Yea, I was abt to add that 40 is too much for a Fugu puffer.

They've got them at my lfs as well.
i think this puffer might be a very interesting fish im picking it up wednesday its on hold, gonan look more into tank conditions etc

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