My spotted puffers.....

ddreams said:
Well, I now understand why they go up and down and up and down the sides of the tank. :D


4 Puffers for the price of two. :rofl:

EDIT: I'm sitting here at angle that I can see the reflection and it looks like he is literally chasing his mirror image :rofl:
my cories and bala shark does that - the bala shark used to go wild he has settled alot
Umm ... I really hope your puffers will be ok =/
For experience (unfortunatly) I've learnd puffers and mirror tanks do not go together. When I had to move my dwarf puffer out into a different tank because he kept chasing the other I moved him into my mirror tank ... he kept doing the same thing yours are now, and got way too stressed. When we found out it was too late though :( He was laying quietly on the bottom, so we moved him back into his old tank hoping he'd be ok ... but he didnt survive, he'd been too stressed

You've got lovely looking puffers there though :)
It isn't a mirror tank. It's the way the light is hitting w/ the water and glass that is causing the reflection.
Everytime i go to my LFS i see those puffers and i want to buy them so badly. :( As soon as i get another tank i'm getting them. That kind if my favorite.
Well, I need to take the Danios out of the tank. One thing is they act just the opposite of agressive towards the Danios. If a Danio is in the caves I built they will back out and not even go in. :/
Errr...sorry to burst your bubble, but if that is not a GSP, then neither are mine, and I'm pretty sure that mine are GSPs!

Oh well, great shots!
Actually, I am 99% sure they are not GSP. One big reason is I watched my LFS look them up in his purchase book, but also body shape and they are more towards yellow than green. Also the location of the eyes in comparison to the mouth is another deciding factor.

There are three spotted puffer species from what I have read and all three are hard to tell apart.
Well, now I am all confused again. They do not look anything like the GSP I saw at the other LFS. No where near the coloration at all.

I'm going to have to send pictures to some people and see if I can find a definitive answer. :/

I wouldn't put it past a distributor to mislabel a fish to obtain more sales.
Puffer_freak said:
Errr...sorry to burst your bubble, but if that is not a GSP, then neither are mine, and I'm pretty sure that mine are GSPs!

Oh well, great shots!
Yes! The fish in these pictures look exactly like my puffers which i've been believing are GSP's and live in a Brackish tank..... :huh:
I am verifying where they came from and I have pictures sent off to a few people that could be considered "experts". I'm hoping one of these methods I can verify which they are and what the differences are, etc...
I need to have a talk with my LFS so that he knows that what his distributor is telling him is not quite right.

Here is what I have been told and it came from multiple people and I believe it.

First, these are Green Spotted Puffers.

Second, a GSP can be conditioned to live in only FreshWater but it does shorten there life spans by about 25%.

Third, the Spotted Congo Puffer is rarely available at this time.

And fourth, the ones that I saw at the other LFS were GSP but older, already brackish, and very stressed is what I was told based off color. They were very dark green and I from what I was told older GSP will do that when very stressed and if they are brackish the actually will get an even darker green when stressed... :/

So, now I have to develop the 45 Gallon around a brackish enviroment. At least I have some time. :/
Glad this has been cleared up. GSP's are great fish. I hope no one would try to "condition a GSP to live in freshwater"

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