getting tank need suggestions


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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well im heading out to pick up a tank from my gf's mother its either 20 or 29g, i already havea a 29g with

3 male kribs
1 male blue ram
1 pleco
1 bala shark
2 neons
3 julii corys

my plan from the start was to breed kribs or rams so i was thinkingof dedicating a tank just to them currently they are int he 29g with a good amount of plants, alot ofhiding places and a flower pot (will be getting a female this or next week)

i been looking at cichlid tanks and they look awesome with sand and alot of rocks so yes i am getting ANOTHEr in dec/jan a 75gal i just dont know how i want to set the one im getting today

sand or gravel
planted ormostly rocks since bigger tanks are for african cichlid andso i was going to do the 75g a cichlid setup and just try to decide what i want to place in the newer tank

but then on the other hand both these tanks are to small for my bala and pleco (they are still small on size now but not for long)

just looking for some suggestions sorry for confusing everyone
You are right, I am confused... :lol:

Could you point out exactly what is the question?
just looking for people what they think - like so far i have white sand in a few rocks and a dome..... i dont know if i wanna do it all sand and rocks and put some african cichlids in or just liek my other tank mostly community fish ill have a pic of the tank soon nothing big yet

as u see not much yet still very confused on what to put in :dunno:
Depends on wt kinda cichlids you want to get in the 29. Or you could always make them into 2 communities and get some friends for your neons,
oh my neons are deffinently getting friends i was thinking about putting the kribs in this tank at least the bigger male he goes after the other 2 constantly

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