

Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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i seen a fugu puffer at my LFS today im really getting into them finiding out different things but what is a good compatibilyt species for these i hear they can be very aggressive, i currnently have a community tank with 1 blue ram,2 neons,3 corys and 2 kirbs

and also have my krib tank with
5 kribs,4 yellow labs and 3 corys

im either thinking of researching to place him in htere or buy anew tank (not sure size)

wednesday im picking him up

can i add cories or anything from freshwater???????
You should have the mods move this to the Brackish forum.

First, they are agressive and he will need his own tank. The tank will need to be brackish and I have read intermittently that they can be adapted to marine.

I would recommend visiting those fourms as they are dedicated to puffers of all types.
Enchanted's post will likely get nuked, so let me add for completeness:

1. The fugu pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) is a brackish water fish as a juvenile, but prefers marine as an adult.

2. It is highly aggressive. A species tank is your only option.

3. It grows longer than 2' in length.

4. It contains a toxin approximately 10,000 times more potent than cyanide.

Are you seriously considering keeping this fish?
yeah i have been pretty much getting into it and very interested im also establishing a marine tank soon, with 1 or 2 clown fish but did not plan to put the puffer in.... this is funny it goes from LFS saying BW one site says FW then it goes to BW and now SW/Marine this is getting wacky lol
Actually it probably won't get nuked because that forum does not compete with this one. It caters only to pufferfish and their species......

If it competed directly with this one........ Well....... I wouldn't have posted it. :)
Wouldn't you sort of have to eat the puffer to get poisoned? I don't think they are like lion fish are they??
They are a brackish water fish that can be adapted to marine...

I would have to fully read on their life cycle to tell you more. I know GSP go from fresh to brackish to marine and then back again to breed them back out to marine again...
enchanted said:
Actually it probably won't get nuked because that forum does not compete with this one. It caters only to pufferfish and their species......

If it competed directly with this one........ Well....... I wouldn't have posted it. :)
I've had several posts pointing to african cichlid or betta specific forums deleted, so that hasn't stopped them in the past, I can assure you. It seems to depend on the particular mod and their mood that day.

cluster, if you do end up getting one, make sure you know exactly what species you're getting (scientific name) and do a TON of research on it first. Good luck! :thumbs:
im pretty sure i will be getting it - still doing research just finished setting up my new 55G i bought so i can dedicate my old 29G to the puffer and whatever is compatible

currently im still leaning towards making the 55G a african tank
Take into account what people have said about the potential size of this puffer and contemplate giving the 55G to it. If you dont you will be upgrading the 29G very soon anyway....

Also, dont be afraid to ask the fish shop to hold the puffer for you if you dont think you will be ready to recieve it, as theres nothing worse than rushing something different like this.

Make sure your tank is setup fully. If you said you are getting the fish on Wednesday, have you had enough time to cycle and fully prepare the tank for the puffer?

Ben :)
i will most likley have him be held back i got him on hold till wednesday but im sure he can stay longer, the 29G will be upgraded soon but not very soon it will take a while before he reaches that type of size i knwo that much

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