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  1. L

    Would this work?

    k, guess i have to do it the hard way :)
  2. L

    Would this work?

    I really dont wanna go through all the cycling stuff :( So Ive been having this empty 10 for a while and was thinking about a female betta tank. I would have a 10 gallon planted w/ rocks and some driftwood, gravel as substrate and 50 watts of lighting. I would have 4 or 5 bettas with 20-50...
  3. L

    Rearranged my Tank!

    Great :thumbs: I would continue the rocks all the way to the right and then add more plants, but thats just me. It still looks great :D
  4. L

    Tossed the Rock outta my ten gallon, and . . .

    Still looking great!!! :D Keep it up :nod:
  5. L

    is this okay?

    Oh yeah, give those guppies a new home, and some more guppies. That algae eater will get tooooooo big for that tank, get rid of him while you can, and you can replace him with some ottos.
  6. L

    is this okay?

    I guess you could try adding some snails and shrimp, but not too many.
  7. L

    How many species of fish do you have

    1 :) a betta.
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    My planted 2.5er

    Well that growth is a little excessive :lol:
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    Plants recommendation?

  10. L

    My new betta and his tank

    Thanks :) I'm happy you all like it, and I'll definitely try those plants you said, Itty Bitty Betta
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    My new betta and his tank

    Yup its a snail:) Anymore suggestions? Everything is welcomed.
  12. L

    Plants recommendation?

    Ok I have this 2.5 gallon betta tank with a snail and two rocks and some gravel and wanna make it look more natural. I've got 60 watts of light not directly over the tank but off to the side a bit (its a lamp hehe) I dont know if this is acceptable lighting. All i want is some low maintenance...
  13. L

    My new betta and his tank

    His tank. Any ideas are welcomed because it seems a bit too simple for my likings. Excuse the water level, hehe. That mason jar is what he used to live in but my friend gave him to me and i gave him this nice 2.5 gallon tank, he'd better be happy :) . I would also love some suggestions for live...
  14. L

    My new betta and his tank

    So a while ago my betta died and now I've replaced him with a beautiful pinkish bodied betta with red fins with some streaks of blue. In some lighting he looks like he has bright green on his body. I'm going to try and attach pics here.
  15. L

    Updated photo of my ten Gallon

    I remember you had a beautiful betta in there, can i see a shot of him? :hyper:
  16. L

    Please recommend a fish to me

    The tank is not filtered but I may get a spong filter in a while. So a snail you say? That will be kind of funny, heheh. But looking at the simplicity of the tank I think it wouldn't be too bad an option. And from what I've read, I'll try a few ghost shrimp and I'll get a flower pot for...
  17. L

    Please recommend a fish to me

    :sick: Snails Well perhaps there will be some good ones.
  18. L

    Please recommend a fish to me

    Alright I'm asking for a lot here--- I'm looking for a fish that is hardy and does not need a cycled tank, that can go with a betta in a 2.5 gallon tank, that is peaceful, will not harm my betta, will do the algae eating job, and is inexpensive. That's pretty much it. Please answer.
  19. L

    R.I.P Thurston the betta

    So I came down to my basement after my trip to walmart, which had some good tanks but all the bettas had mysteriously disappeared. I got downtairs and the firt thing i saw was a little sliver on the carpet. I thought, "No, it couldn't be" But yes it was. Thurston the betta fish. With dog hair...
  20. L

    sorry to all betta lovers

    Well sorry to say and I don't mean it offensively you should do proper reasearch before you buy the fish. If you did, you'd know bettas aren't recommended with guppies.
  21. L

    You know you have a good LFS when....

    There are no fish dead in the filters . Ahh walmart, with their dwarf puffers stuck in the filters....poor fish
  22. L

    How does this sound?

    Thanks :) So I've got it decided, four white clouds , four pygmy cories and some bettas seperate. This will take me a few months to get everything together but hopefully it will work out well (I'm fairly new to fishkeeping).
  23. L

    Water changes...

    I just have a few buckets ready with water just in case of an emergency water change. That way you don't have to worry and the water is around the same temp as that in the tank.
  24. L

    Alright, kinda in a fix

    Umm tell your mom that the fish will get lonely and stop eating and eventually die, and when the fish die their horrible diseases will be let out into the water thus infecting everything in the tank and all the fish will die. I'm pretty sure she'll believe you.
  25. L

    How does this sound?

    Just when I thought everything would work :rolleyes: As for the bettas, of course if I see a reasonably priced 2.5 gallon I will buy it for them. And when you look at those cups in wal-mart and petsmart, anything can be better than that. Also do I need to cycle betta bowls? Or should it be...
  26. L

    How does this sound?

    Hey everyone, I know before I had some huge list of fish I want but my mom doesn't want me to get any tanks for some odd reason, so I had to narrow it down. Ten Gallon 4 white clouds- not only do I want them but I heard they're also good to cycle, but I just may try fishless cycling. 1 betta-...
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    I've read that chinese algae eater is killer and the siamese algae eater is harmless...?
  28. L

    White Bettas.....?

    Yeah looking around the site , most of those bettas cost $$$, I think I'll just stick to the $2.88 ones at wal-mart. :D
  29. L

    White Bettas.....?

    Holy grail is :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: That's just amazing, I wish I had one. I also like the dark plakat, if i found one I'd definitely buy it.
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    Otto would get lonely, so get a few. What about siamese algae eaters?
  31. L

    Betta photo fest

    I've noticed wal-mart has better colour fish than my lfs, which is nuts. I think i may just buy my bettas from there from now on :) Great fish, the crowntail is amazing and same with the vt, and the females are awesome. :thumbs:
  32. L

    puffer or beetas

    Ummm, as opcn said they won't constantly flare, only for the first few hours. Eventually they'll see that they can't get past the divider and will give up. Their not stupid, hehe.
  33. L

    The Road to Recovery

    Whoa that's amazing. They look like completely different fish. :thumbs:
  34. L

    Fish combination

    Danios are supposed to be very hardy fish that are good for cycling and can tolerate higher ammonia levels than other fish. Just remember not to introduce too many fish at once or you'll have problems. For a ten gallon, cycling with 3 danios should be good. And you have to be patient, some...
  35. L

    Fish combination

    Have you cycled your tank? Waiting for everything to settle doesn't do much.
  36. L

    Photos of the 10g Betta Planted Aquascape

    It didn't sound much to me like he was picking a fight.... But GREAT tank, it looks awesome, and the plants look nice with the rocks and all the cool fish. I think you did a great job choosing the theme as an asian tank and Cielo really stands out. One thing-- is Cielo super tiny? Because in...
  37. L

    Sad, sad, sad...

    I feel sorry for any kid who buys that and wakes up one morning to a dead golfish... It's funny how in the picture it doesn't look all that attractive
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    I checked some sites and it says exactly what teelie says, that the chinese algae eater will be aggressive but not the siamese.
  39. L

    Why gravel?

    Well that's never good :/ Well I guess I'll try it in a tank without bottom feeders, just to see how it looks. I think plants coming out between the rocks would look cool nd some sory of carpet covering the rocks would look just plain weird.
  40. L


    Whoaaaa new to the list: Siamese Algae Eater I'll probably get one because I read that adults are aggressive toward each other. Will this go ok with the corys and guppies? Wow this is going to actually cost some money. Time to start searching for good deals..:)