

Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi, I have my three male bettas in a divided tank of three sections. i was wanting to get an otto to help with the algae. I would let him clean one section them move him to the next one and so on.

Will bettas and otto's get along?
Is it okay to just have one?
my temp is 80 is that okay?

bugsy :)
The temp isn't too bad.

Problems that I see:
The bettas might be somewhat aggressive and attack the otocinclus. Not a very likely possibility, though, IMO, but some people have very temperamental bettas.

It is better to just limit the amount of lights and nutrients to retard the algae growth. Fish cannot always remove enough algae or they don't get enough of it.

You also need to supplement the otto's diet. Eventually the algae will run out.

The otocinclus would require a good deal of aeration and good water flow and circulation. this is hard to get in a divided tank. :/
ottos are perfectly fine with bettas. they are actually one of the few fish that i would recommend with a betta :)
as long as your tank isnt too small and you keeo the water quality good, then it should be ok.
i have one busily scrubbing a fry tank right now :D
I have no experience regarding Otos and Bettas together. However, I did want to mention that Otos like to be kept in groups :nod: Perhaps you could get a few, instead of just one. They're such cute little fish, anyway... :) I do love mine :nod: Poor little guy needs a buddy though, since his just died :( Soon, soon.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
None of my bettas - and I have a few of the aggressively bred arena plakats - never bothered my otos. They may inspect them at first, but them leave them alone.

The only betta of mine that bothers my otos is Buttons, and he's just like a puppy who wants to play all the time. :) He doesn't realize that the otos sleep during the day. :/

Maybe I should just put him with the upsidedown catfish. The catfish always nudges him away everytime Buttons gets into his hidey hole, but at least it's a response. :)
Bettas are fine with problem.

However as a shoaler you would need to get around 3 so they don't get lonely ;)
I agree that they have to be in groups. Have you explored other options? How about snails or shrimps?
Kittycat said:
I agree that they have to be in groups. Have you explored other options? How about snails or shrimps?
Shrimp is a bad idea - bettas tend to have shrimp cocktail. :)
I have two otos and a snail in with a male betta.. no fights ever broke out and they're all happy as can be.
Otto would get lonely, so get a few. What about siamese algae eaters?
Thanks for all the replies. I just bought my otto and I only bought one as in the past I have never had much luck with them. My plan is to put this otto into one section at a time until it is clean then move it onto the next section. My 5 gal tank is divided into three sections with lots of algae at the moment. Each side is 1.5 gal approx so more than one otto would be to much and not enough for it to eat. I now they are great cleaners if I need another one my LFS is just a few min away. The tank has two filters running and is kept at 80 for the temp.

Here is goes, keeping my fingers crossed :rolleyes:

jacblades said:
richardpereira said:
Otto would get lonely, so get a few. What about siamese algae eaters?
siamese algae eaters=fish killers. no way!
I've read that chinese algae eater is killer and the siamese algae eater is harmless...?
Well all is fine this morning, very fat otto I might add. He has done a tremendous job of this one section already. They are just amazing little guys hey!

The betta he is with flared at first site. Now he just goes about his thing and does not even bother the otto.

I hope the other two males will be the same with my otto. In two days or so I will move him into the next section. This is hopefully going to work out great, all i have to do is lift the divider and move him over with a stick. Don't have to net him or nothing.

Glad I did this and hope it works...... :thumbs:

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