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Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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Hey everyone, I know before I had some huge list of fish I want but my mom doesn't want me to get any tanks for some odd reason, so I had to narrow it down.

Ten Gallon

4 white clouds- not only do I want them but I heard they're also good to cycle, but I just may try fishless cycling.

1 betta- Some people say they get along fine with white clouds and some kill them. I guess I'll take a chance.

4 Panda Cories- Very peaceful and get along fine with the other two fish.

Not a lot of action in there, but some suggestions would be nice.

2.5 Gallon

1 dwarf puffer- Ok can someone please make sure this information is correct: dwarf puffers will live on their own ok, like lots of live foods and would like snail shells to grind their teeth on. If more than one puffer is in the tank, it should be well planted and as soon as there's more than one puffer, you want to give each puffer ten gallons of space for itself, but with only 1 it will be happy in my 2.5 gallon. Is that right?

And then I'll just get some other 1.77 gallon bowls from wal-mart to have more bettas. :)

Also-- I know I'm going to cycle my ten gallon for sure, and also my 2.5 gallon because I've read dwarf puffers don't tolerate much ammonia. But I don't have to cycle my betta bowls, do I? I'll just do my regular water changes every three days and nothing will go wrong right? Because I've had a betta in a 2.5 gallon bowl, who's doing very well today and I never cycled that, but he's fine. I also read up on bettatalk and the the owner said she never bothers with cycling her small tanks, so I guess I should be fine?

Thanks a lot for any help you give me :)
I think 4 panda cories in a 10g is a bit much....cories eat alot and I simply don't think for 1 there would be enough food for them.
Bioload-wise, 10g should be ok, but I'm not sure about the compatibility between beta and the rest (never kept one of those before).

Cories are very bioload-light, often they are suggested in a small tank. Some cories do grow large, but panda cories aren't one of them... ;)
2.5 Gallons for a dwarf puffer isnt too small. Ofcourse, the bigger the better, but a 2.5 for 1 dwarf will be fine. Also, the other info on dwarfs you got there is correct ;) When feeding though, mainly use bloodworms, live or frozen ... brine shrimp will not have enough nutricion and all that to keep them alive.


Ok, so I didnt feel like typing before, so I will edit a bit now :p
2.5 Gallons technically would be enough for 1 dwarf puffer, however I've got mine in a 2.5 Gallon and I just cant help but feeling sorry for him being in such a small tank (my other 2 are together in a 15 Gallon). I bought a 38 Gallon yesterday, meaning my 5 Gallon will end up empty, and he'll go in there :) 10 Gallon is A Lot for 1 dwarf puffer Cheese :p Good for you if you'd go for it! But I wouldnt ... 2.5 would do, but 5 is better :)
-cAtFiSh- said:
2.5 gallon for a dwarf puffer would be far too small i should think. nothing can really be kept in something that small apart from a betta
I agree, I think 10 gallon is the minimum although you might want to check in Oddballs.

I feel sorry for the bettas that are going in the bowls. I would advise against that. I also think that 4 panda cories in a 10gallon is too much, although not for bioload reasons, just for space. Pygmys would be better, if at all.
Just when I thought everything would work :rolleyes:

As for the bettas, of course if I see a reasonably priced 2.5 gallon I will buy it for them. And when you look at those cups in wal-mart and petsmart, anything can be better than that. Also do I need to cycle betta bowls? Or should it be fine with regular water changes?

I saw the pygmies yesterday and they are TINY! But I love them

And I guess minnows are fine since no one said anything about them.

Ok so I'll have:

4 white clouds
4 pygmy cories. It's a peaceful tank if you ask me. BUT all these fish are so small that I need to know: Should I just stick to sponge filters? Maybe two of them? I'm scared they might get sucked in :(

Oh but how I wish I could use that ten gallon as a female betta hit me last night how nice that would be.
richardpereira said:
As for the bettas, of course if I see a reasonably priced 2.5 gallon I will buy it for them. And when you look at those cups in wal-mart and petsmart, anything can be better than that.
Well, people have different views on that and the cups are temporary. You aretalking about permanent homes.

Healthy fish will not get sucked into a filter, use the best one you can.

I am not sure on the cycling of bowls, the only place for good bacteria to develop is in the gravel so it might be difficult.
Thanks :)

So I've got it decided, four white clouds , four pygmy cories and some bettas seperate.

This will take me a few months to get everything together but hopefully it will work out well (I'm fairly new to fishkeeping).

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