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    Borelli Cichlid's

    Hi, A couple of months ago i bought some juvenile borelli's which were very small. They've both now grown to just over an inch, one is smaller and really blue the other is a dull blue but certainly bigger - I'm hoping I've got a pair. They both seem happy though don't tend to spend much...
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    Eye Problems

    It was a Greenlife fungal infection - as that is what i thought it was when the first scissortail got it. Yeah all look fine, they are eating well and still all very active - just the problem with the eye.
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    Eye Problems

    Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my scissortail rasboras have had what looks like their eye has swollen up, cloudy and almost coming out. They are all over 3 years old and was wondering if this is pop eye. Its just that i've noticed one of my rummy nose and neon tetras have now got...
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    Thanks for that..... Sorry another question:- Are Gold rams as hardy as Bolivian Rams (which I have now). How many can i have in a 180l?
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    Got a couple of inches in Nottingham with more to come by the sounds!!!!
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    I already have 2 male bolivian rams living happily together in a 180l. I would like to add 2 gold rams - hopefully females. Would they be ok together, would they breed?
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    Time With Your Fish

    My hubby gives me grief when I'm tempted to buy more fish.....we've just had a change around of furniture in our living room and i'm currently trying to convince him now that we have a bit of spare room in a corner that my nice little "redundant" 25litre would fit ideally there - not having much...
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    List Of Good Companions ?

    I wouldn't recommend tiger barbs (from someone whose had experience of their aggressive side) however i would certainly recommend cherry barbs love these to bits and they are much mellower.
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    Angels And Neons

    I've had Rams before but never really seemed to last more than 12 months though lfs said its because they are that highly bred they are quite sensitive now however i've heard that bolivian rams are more hardy.
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    Angels And Neons

    thanks for your comments though I thought bolivian Rams were suppose to be peaceful, community fish???
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    Angels And Neons

    Now I've pondered about this for a while. I have been fishkeeping for 3 years now (180 litre tank) and never kept an Angel as I have plenty of neons, glowlights, rummy nose tetras etc and I know that Angels like to munch on them. However, I've heard that if the tetras are fairly largeish and I...
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    Where To Get Tropica Plants?

    I have just used as I wanted some plants as part of my xmas prezzie and they are really good. I ordered the 18" collection for just over £5 so prices are pretty reasonable. I thought for that price they would only be small but they are full grown plants. I received an...
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    Holiday Feeding

    i went on holiday for a fortnight in the summer and used a tetra gel block in my small tank on my return the fish had not touched it at all - I wouldn't use it again. HOwever, for my larger tank i bought a battery operated automatic feeder. I've always been hesitant about using them due to...
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    I've Ordered My Brigitte Rasboras

    i have 4 galaxy's and they are great little fish. They swim constantly with a shoal of harlequin rasboras but they are tiny and only about an inch long. i have had them for about a year, 1 died very early on and another died of a growth on its side a month or so ago but the others are thriving...
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    Black Neon Tetras

    Are black neon tetras nippy? I have half a dozen for the past few years and have had no problems but my dad has also got a similar number and they said that they are always chasing the white mountain minnows and his 3 neon tetras have suddenly got no tails left. He also has a siemese algae...
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    Moonlight Gourami Suddenly Dead

    I bought a moonlight about 4 weeks ago and even though she didn't seem to settle down as fast as some others i have introduced and was rather skitish, after a few days she seemed fine. I also have a female boosemani and between them they always chased each other though on other occassions they...
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    Nasty Neons

    I've had a shoal of 21 neons for nearly 3 years with no problems apart from the odd squobble. However, this past week or two they seem to have turned and are battering the hell out of each other. I saw 2 fighting the other day and within an hour 1 was dead. At first I thought it was just the...
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    Centrepiece Fish Suggestions

    I have a 180l community tank and fancy another centrepiece fish. I want a fish which is a mid-top swimming fish. I currently have a boosemani rainbow but fancy another larger fish to accompany my tetras and rasboras. I have loaches and cories and feel I have enough bottom dwellers. I was...
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    Company For A Boosemani

    I have an adult female boosemani rainbow which i've had in a 180l community tank for the past 2 years. She's been getting on fine on her own but i was wondering would it upset her if I get her a male mate. I know rainbows are very peaceful and shoaling fish but I don't want to upset the fact...
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    Can Fish Last 5 Days Without Food?

    If I go away for a week, they do not get fed at all. However, if I go away for longer I set my auto feeder for a small feed everyday.
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    Angels And Neons

    thanks for your comments - will stay away i think
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    Angels And Neons

    I have a number (over 20) of tetras including neons and glowlights which are all at full adult size. Is it wise adding a small angel or would this still pose a problem as I'm aware Angels are known to eat neons.
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    Feeling Fed Up - More Dead Fish

    interpret meds for fungus.....water stats show ammonia 0m nitrte 0 and nitrate is 10-20. mainly rasboras, cherry barbs tetras x 30, i have gravel substract, do 10-20% wweekly water changes with a good cleaning including ornaments etc once every month & about a 40% change. i vacuum the gravel...
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    Feeling Fed Up - More Dead Fish

    Over the past few days I've lost several fish, loaches, guppies, tetras and now a bristlenose in my 180l. Water stats seem fine even after testing over every day. Water change still not stopping the problems though I'm going to do a proper strip down this weekend to try and solve it. One...
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    Sudden Loach Deaths

    I'd noticed in the past few days that they didn't swim backwards and forwards at the front of the tank like they usually do at night though they were still fairly active. The bump on his back seemed more of a small mark like he'd caught himself on an ornament or something. None of the loaches...
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    Sudden Loach Deaths

    For the past 12 months I have had 4 zebra loaches. However, 3 of them have suddenly died this evening with no obvious causes. I've tested all water stats which shows ammonia = 0, nitrate = 20, nitrite - 0, ph 6.2 which is what it has been for the past few months. It has only affected the...
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    Dare I Risk It?

    I'm possibly looking at closing down my smaller 5 gal tank down which homes my 3 yr old betta, a oto and a platy. I already have a larger 45 gal tank I was going to move them all into. I've no worries about the platy and oto but i'm not sure how the betta will get on with the other tank mates...
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    Water Changes

    thanx for that - would adding an air stone help, i don't have one at the moment would it make much of a differnce and help circulate the water a bit more. Would Tetra Easybalance help??
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    Water Changes

    We are looking at going on holiday for 3 weeks later this year but unfortunately I haven't anyone to look after my fish. I usually get the brother in law to feed them but he's moving away so I've had to buy an auto feeder however I was wondering will the tank be ok without water changes for...
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    Why Did You Want To Keep Fish.

    i have a stressful job so its nice to watch them after work to wind down. it helps me relax a lot more since i started fishkeeping 2 1/2 yrs ago.
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    Recommended Auto Feeders

    Can anyone give me a recommended automatic feeder - I'll be a way for a fortnight soon and unfortunately, I can't get anyone this time to feed my fish for me?
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    Sexing Young Rams

    thanks for your comments...i suspected the paler one could be chased a bit but didn't have any evidence until today. he/she is a new addition to the tank - the other ram has been in the tank a while. However, I'v noticed he/she seems to be getting a bit of his/her colour back today and is still...
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    Sexing Young Rams

    I've got 2 small rams (1.5"). One is very colourful, pink belly, black spots and strips while the other one is much paler, hardly any black or pink. As they are both still quite small they are both of a similar size so I can't really tell if one seems broader than the other one yet though the...
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    Sore Scales On Cory

    Hi, My cory looks like she's got really sore scales around her belly and sides. It looks almost like she's shedding her first layer. Water stats are good. 40gal tank been running for 2.5 yrs and cory has been in there since day one (she was in a smaller 10g tanker for 6 months before that)...
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    Sore Scales On Cory

    One of my cories seem to be struggling with what seems like sore scales. The other day there was quite a bit of fungus on one of her sides but this seems to have reduced but still it looks quite red and sore around both her sides near her belly, her scales seem to be protruding quite a bit...
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    Fish For Community Tank

    I want 1-2 centre fish for my 180l tank. I need something very peaceful to go with a variety of tetras, rasboras and cories which grows to a maximum size of 6" and preferably swims mid-top. I've had several types of gourami as a centrepiece so fancy something different. I already have a...
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    Gold Barbs

    What is the minimum size tank I can put 10 gold barbs in?
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    Gourami With Missing Pectoral Fin

    I came back off holiday yesterday to what I thought was a "normal" looking tank but on closer inspection this morning while doing my water change, I noticed that my adult gold gourami has lost her left pectoral fin. You can tell she's not 100% as she's not swimming along the glass as much as...
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    We woke up just before quake. The study door rattled for a few seconds before and then for a good while afterwards. Pretty scary. Fiskies seemed ok, guppies looked like they were snoring away but the scissortails were flying round the tank at 100mph. But it knocked off my thermometer and LED...
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    Suggestions For Tank

    Hi, I'm looking for some plants which my gold barbs will not nip at. My Amazon seems to have escaped the onslaught but my hydrophilia seems to be losing its battle. Any suggestions??