Sexing Young Rams


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I've got 2 small rams (1.5"). One is very colourful, pink belly, black spots and strips while the other one is much paler, hardly any black or pink. As they are both still quite small they are both of a similar size so I can't really tell if one seems broader than the other one yet though the dorsal fin of the coloured one seems to be extended. Unfortunately I cannot attach a photo to show you. Any ideas?
Sounds like a possible male and female pair, pink belly is one of the give aways :) just be pacient, as they mature you'll find out.
the one with the pink belly is a girl, the other could be male or a female that is being bullied. When they get bigger the males will develop longer dorsal (top) fin rays. Whereas the females have short fin rays (spines) and a pink belly.
thanks for your comments...i suspected the paler one could be chased a bit but didn't have any evidence until today. he/she is a new addition to the tank - the other ram has been in the tank a while. However, I'v noticed he/she seems to be getting a bit of his/her colour back today and is still swimming around merrily as long as he avoids the other ram. Hopefully, he/she is giving as much as they get and hopefully when he gets bigger things will sort themselves out.

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