Feeling Fed Up - More Dead Fish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Over the past few days I've lost several fish, loaches, guppies, tetras and now a bristlenose in my 180l. Water stats seem fine even after testing over every day. Water change still not stopping the problems though I'm going to do a proper strip down this weekend to try and solve it. One minute fish ok next dead. The guppies and tetra i can put down to old age as i have had them for some years but the zebra loaches i've had for 6 months and the bristlenose even less. i have another bristlenose (bought at the same time when they were only a few cm long) and he seems to be ok tonight but who knows tomorrow. Could he have killed the other one? The only thing I can put it down to is recently I've medicated the tank as 2 of my 4 cories where showing signs of fungus and sore/red looking scales. Can fungus be contagious and can other fish be getting it. Also one of the sick cories is constantly swimming off the bottom rather than rumaging through the gravel like the others.
How many fish and which type are in the tank.
Can you post your water stats please.
If its a bad strain of columnaris it can kill alot of fish.
Where was the fungus on the fish and was it fluffy.
Carry on with water changes to dilute the bacteria down in the tank.
What med did you use.
What do you have for a substrate, and how/how often do you clean it? Where are you located, who/what is your water supplier, and what product/how much do you use to treat the water?
interpret meds for fungus.....water stats show ammonia 0m nitrte 0 and nitrate is 10-20. mainly rasboras, cherry barbs tetras x 30, i have gravel substract, do 10-20% wweekly water changes with a good cleaning including ornaments etc once every month & about a 40% change. i vacuum the gravel everytime i clean. i uses tetrasafe when doing waterchanges. live in the east midlands. The fungus was mainly on the bodies of 2 of the cories and they had a some ragged fins though these seem to have healed. Hope this helps.

sorry ph is 6.2, tank been running for 2.5 years
I'm guessing you are on a municipal water supply which generally means chloramine as well as chlorine. I'm also guessing that Tetrasafe is Tetra's Aquasafe, a really good product.

I make it a habit to never trust my water supplier, they will increase additives for a variety of reasons. This is something you will have to contact your supplier about, they are all individuals, and do things differently for a variety of reasons.

That being the case, I double dose with Prime, a product comparable to Aquasafe, all winter long, and during stormy weather. I would suggest double dosing with Aquasafe to start, that is a pretty well stocked tank, so it won't take much to throw it off. 10% to 20% weekly water changes may not be enough, I would aim for at least 25% weekly.
Since we had that burst of really hot weather so many have had dead ,ill or dieing fish. So sorry you've lost so many.
Since we had that burst of really hot weather so many have had dead ,ill or dieing fish. So sorry you've lost so many.

This makes me think water supply issues even more, thanks for the input.
Since we had that burst of really hot weather so many have had dead ,ill or dieing fish. So sorry you've lost so many.

This little snippet of info coincides with my current run of deaths.

Are my water changes having a negative effect rather than the desired positive ones?
indeed the heat could have something to do with it, it could also be an illness but as a precaution i would advise members to increase the airation in their tanks but either water surface breaking or by bubble walls ect.... the extra heat in your tanks water will reduce the oxygen supply in your tanks rapidly, did these fish have white gills at the time of death? this is a sign of suffocation from lack of oxygen in water. hope it all works out well :good:

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