Why Did You Want To Keep Fish.

I've always liked fish, as I have been fishing since I can remember. Also, I kept a betta and goldfish when I was younger and loved it, but never really got into it.

Then I started dating a guy that kept fish and I always liked the look of the tanks and thought the fish were cool and for a year, I was dragged around different fish stores to look at fish for his tanks. Eventually, he got me a 30gl tank for my birthday and I've been hooked ever since. At one point, I even had more than double the amount of tanks as he had! :lol:
My boyfriend wouldn't let me get a rabbit and thought a fish tank would be cheaper and less mess... how he regrets that decision!!
This is an old thread can't even remember posting it lol.
This is an old thread can't even remember posting it lol.

Going Senile? :p

Erm, I got into fish keeping because I was talking to a friend and I had cash lying around he said "Buy a fish tank" so I said ok and bought one the very next day. (Dramatic Story ey)
parents wouldnt let me have a dog in the house so i said screw it im getting fish, whatre they gonna do when the tanks all set up? so i bought a ten gallon and some balloon mollys, and now i have the same ten gallon a 30 gallon and a 100 gallon lol
Truthfully the Village Fete prizes got me into keeping fish when i was little.
Since then i have alwasy kept fish of some form.
I love watching fish interact with their surroundings, Its sooooooooo Relaxing after dealing with office politics all day.
I can just come home and watch them from the dining table and forget everything.
Well i got $100 for christmas and i wanted an axolotle but after three wekks it died and so my dad pointed out that i should try and keep fish and from their on it has evolved
I had a goldfish when I was a lil girl, but it died when I decided it needed a bubble bath :blush: (I was only 4)

I have only recently got in to tropical fish - I never did it before, coz I thought it was too hard and faffy, but I was wrong.

I have had my fair share of aquatic disasters though, my hubby calls me the nurse Beverly Allett of the fish world. ( I lost a complete tank of black phantom tetras and neon tetras to white spot, but they were in a tank of death aka a biube.

I find the fish more entertaing than some of the drivel on TV and can watch them for hours.

My 7 year old daughter also loves them and spends ages peering into the tank.


I like raising my own food for the table instead of going out and catching it myself, Honestly because it's relaxing to come home after a hard days work and sit down next to the tank and just watch the fish interact and play. I started when I was around 14, had a 10 gallon and moved to a 29 gallon. I now have a 29 gallon setup with fish in it, a 55 gallon being cycled and a 40 gallon that needs to be cleaned out a bit and put up into our bedroom. I enjoy taking care of fish, I also love to fish and eat what I catch but that's a whole different subject.
For my b-day when I was 4 or 5 I got a 20 gallon tropical tank...And even before then we have always had a pond...It's how it is.
i have a stressful job so its nice to watch them after work to wind down. it helps me relax a lot more since i started fishkeeping 2 1/2 yrs ago.
My friend of my GF gave her a 20 gal tank. It sat in the corner of the garage for years. After we moved in together she decided that it would be fun to set it up and it would be a good conversational piece for guests at our new place. i didn't really want the responsibility but i'm smart enough not to argue with women. So we went to Petco. we looked at the fish and decided on (this might make you laugh) 2 angels, 2 rtbs, 2 dwarf gourami's, a columbian shark, a chinese algae eater and 3 common pleco's. All of which, we were told would be fine. This is when i started researching. None of the fish i bought died because i brought them back to the lfs except one angel. i did 2-4 water changes a day to keep the amm and nitrIte below .25.

While i was going crazy to keep my GF's fish alive with wc's and feeding i noticed that the angel started doing this little puppy dog-like wiggle whenever i came near the tank but not when my GF did. That's what did it for me. I've been hooked since and i am the proud caretaker of 5 tanks in total. I'd have more if money and space allowed.
Starting was allllll my neighbors fault. She was a good friend of mine and was always talking about her moor gold fish. Everytime i talked to her it was fish this and fish that. At one point i told her to stop talking because she had no idea what she was starting. Well she kept talking and i decided i had to have some sort of fish. So one night while talking to her and a mutual friend i asked our friend if she would buy me a fish she agreed and at 2am we drove to walmart where i got a 1 gallon tank and a black skirt tetra (didnt know any better). after about a week the water turned a funny color and my friend suggested it was lonely because it was a a schooling fish. So she bought me 2 more and added them... thats about the point i started reading and with my next pay check i went and got a 10 gallon tank to try to save them (and failed). I then got a baby angel and a few danios.... after having a sucessful tank since jan. Its game over because now im getitng a 55 gallon tank and just gonna keep going from there. O yea and that puppy dog waggle that some mentioned about the angel before is what makes me love mine so much.... i <3 my angel and only want the best for it hince the bigger home soon. As for my neighbor she still has her moor and is constantly yelling at me to shut up about the fish lol.

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