Eye Problems


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my scissortail rasboras have had what looks like their eye has swollen up, cloudy and almost coming out. They are all over 3 years old and was wondering if this is pop eye. Its just that i've noticed one of my rummy nose and neon tetras have now got a bulging eye.

Water stats are:-

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 20
Ph - 6.2

So they seem ok. I usually do water changes every 10-14 days but I've increased this to once every 3 or 4 days. I've medicated the water but to no avail up to now.

Its a 180L tank with
1 x angel, 4 x bolivian rams, 1 x boosmani rainbow, 2 x loaches, and approx 30 various tetras and rasboras
What med did you use?
Is the neons red stripe still vibrant red, and not bleached out.
It was a Greenlife fungal infection - as that is what i thought it was when the first scissortail got it.

Yeah all look fine, they are eating well and still all very active - just the problem with the eye.
It was a Greenlife fungal infection - as that is what i thought it was when the first scissortail got it.

What are the active ingredients in the med?
Pop-eye is usual a symptom caused by either a parasite or bacterial infection, so in most cases fungal treatments won't be too effective
You really need to be treating with a bacterial med like anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
Just wanted to check the neons as popeye can be last stages of ntd.
NTD is neon tetra desease.
The first sign of ntd is the red stripe area will look bleached or a milky appearance on the red stripe area.
You need to be using a bacterial med for popeye.

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