Time With Your Fish

My hubby says his only had a conversation with my bum since I've had fish as I've always got my head in the tank. Or he has a half conservation with me because I am on the computer. Maybe I should send him to a strip joint to keep him happy!!!!!!
wow you husbands lucky,,,you like fish <ok he doesnt but heyhoe>and you will let him go to a strip joint, can you train my wife please :hey:
Luckily he knows I'm great(big head!) so I can trust him at a strip joint! I'm hoping to get him round to thinking fish are as great as I do one day. It was him that wanted the tank in the first place. I fell in love with it and he was bored within a week.
my girlfriend claims theres me her and my fish in our relationship but she secretly likes them everytime we are in an aquatic store she always tells me to look out for cichlids as she loves them and she can name em all and tell me about them ( as if i dotn already know) then when i get home she moans and starts saying your always on that computer
my girlfriend claims theres me her and my fish in our relationship but she secretly likes them everytime we are in an aquatic store she always tells me to look out for cichlids as she loves them and she can name em all and tell me about them ( as if i dotn already know) then when i get home she moans and starts saying your always on that computer

you sound like me :shifty:
my gf loves cichlids and marine anything she thinks is "rubbish" o and she loves plecs
Fortunately don't have to worry about the opinions of a boyfriend yet... (they can stick it IMO!) but I get plenty from my PARENTS. They think I spend too much time staring into a tank (or elbow deep in it), too much money, too much worry...
i get that all the time but this is an expensive hobby buying the initial set-up and maintenance
HAHA this is totally true..

Since getting my aquarium a month ago and not working for a month.. all I do all day is sit on this forum and watch my fish behind me.. and check my water like 4 times a day.

And then when my girlfriend gets home I have to pause our movies to check the forums "real quick" she hates it.
i do the exact same thing when me and my gf are in bed i quickly pop on ere see whats new its mad how they take up so much of our lives but its worth it to see my jd and convicts living happy :) o yea and my other fish
My hubby gives me grief when I'm tempted to buy more fish.....we've just had a change around of furniture in our living room and i'm currently trying to convince him now that we have a bit of spare room in a corner that my nice little "redundant" 25litre would fit ideally there - not having much luck though!!!! lol
ive got a mother to contend with :rolleyes: she thinks my 125 litre is MASSIVE! WTH! and that my room is turning into an aquarium, ive only got to tanks FGS!

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