Angels And Neons


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Now I've pondered about this for a while. I have been fishkeeping for 3 years now (180 litre tank) and never kept an Angel as I have plenty of neons, glowlights, rummy nose tetras etc and I know that Angels like to munch on them. However, I've heard that if the tetras are fairly largeish and I get a juvenile angel, some people have had some success with keeping them together!!! The problem may occur I'm sure if I add any more tetras which are small. Its whether I take that chance!! Has anyone had a good angel and neon relationship???

Alternatively, I've been wondering whether a pair of Bolivian Rams would be better??? decisions, decisions!!!
The rans I thinj would be a threat too.

I have a young angelfish (about a month old) and am trying this with gold neons. It's only been a few days but so far I have had luck. Although I can't find my CAE. I look at my angel often and every time it swims by I expect it to have a big belly!

Anyway If you had alot of 'em I wouldn't try it.
If you want rid of your tetras then go for it, I honestly wouldn't try to mix them, yes some have had success but loads more including myself have had disasters with angels and neons. The rams would be worse I think although I have no experience with them.
thanks for your comments though I thought bolivian Rams were suppose to be peaceful, community fish???
Rams and neons will be fine. Like you said the problem with angels is when you introduce young (small) tetras.
i have noens in with my blue rams without any problems.i don't know if that helps any.
I've had Rams before but never really seemed to last more than 12 months though lfs said its because they are that highly bred they are quite sensitive now however i've heard that bolivian rams are more hardy.

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