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  1. P

    And The Research Begins..

    Wow! Your princess looks so much like my female cambodian CT. :lol: Combodian red color pattern will be dominant. Expect a lot of fry to have these traits. Best,
  2. P

    Thin Betta

    Try covering the other tank so he doesn't see the other bettas. My males don't eat when they see other bettas. They are too distracted with flaring at each other. I let them flare exercise for 10 minutes before I feed them.
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    Pictures Of My Dogs

    It's easy to tell, by just looking at the pictures, who the big boss is among them. :lol:
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    Bettas Want To Spawn But Not Making A Nest..

    You can try conditioning them separately again. One "cheat" I learned is to scoop up the bubble nest your fish makes in his own tank and transfer it carefully to the breeding tank. This will trick your male betta, thinking he made the bubble nest there and will simulate the conditions even more...
  5. P

    Need Help Breeding My Bettas

    Sorry, but I don't think your betta looks well at all. Once every 2 days feeding won't help make it healthier either. Please learn to properly care for your fish first. I'm sure you can read up on articles on the internet on how to take care of betta splendens. :blink:
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    March Pet Of The Month Nominations

    Proudly presenting my buddy... PUGSLEE, The Pedigree Pet Idol 2005 Grand Champion, Manila. Nominated on this thread:
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    Meet My Champ

    Wow! Thanks much bloozoo2 and Annastasia. I'm glad you liked Pugslee's pics. :*)
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    Meet My Champ

    Let me introduce you all to my buddy... As you can see, he's full of personality and charm... ... and he's also smart ...talented ...very quick, athletic and agile ...and strong... able to pull 65 kilos ... but don't let the size fool ya' ...he can be quite tenacious ... and...
  9. P

    Making A Betta Flare

    Just like amio, I let all my bettas flare for 10-15 minutes facing each other while basking in the morning sun. Great exercise, vitamin D and keeps their fins and rays (specially crowntails) straight and healthy. When I was conditioning my plakat male for breeding, I'd let him flare with another...
  10. P

    Need Help Breeding My Bettas

    Hello there. Please do correct me if I'm wrong but in another thread, you posted a pic of your betta... Breeding takes a lot of requirements before your fish can achieve it. I'm talking about the health condition of the pair. Both male and...
  11. P

    Betta Fry With Swimbladder Probs

    ...and raise the temperature a bit and they'll be ok.
  12. P

    Betta Music

    Been contemplating the same for quite some time also. I don't know how it will affect their well being. I've read some articles on how some kennels and farms use classical music to help calm and soothe the animals I already started experimenting on playing music by the tanks and observing the...
  13. P

    How Do I Get My Female Eggbound?

    Somebody correct me... I think the correct trem would be "gravid" with eggs. I don't know... but all my females seems to carry lots most of the time even when I don't prime them up for breeding. Light colored females don't show vertical bars, so she's plump most of the time. :hey:
  14. P

    Splendins Generally More Agressive Than Plakats?

    Yup, veiltails, crowntails, double tails, plakats and half-moons are betta splendens. Some bettas just have too much attitude. :lol: I have a blue CT that will only flare at another blue colored betta. Show him another color and he'd just sulk in one corner of the tank. :nod:
  15. P

    Is It Too Early To Jar

    As you know, I'm new at breeding bettas myself and I've learned that the less you interfere (exceptions being water change and feeding) with growing fry, the better they develop. Moving them to a bigger grow-out tank with ample plants to hide in might solve your problem. As long as no fins are...
  16. P

    Questions About Breeding

    The resident VT with some CT blood. :shifty:
  17. P

    Questions About Breeding

    I agree totally with Synirr. :book:
  18. P

    Awesome Betta Photo Galley

    I think I've visited that site over a hundred times and those bettas are really awesome! :drool:
  19. P

    First Time Breeding Bettas

    :blink: If only jar cleaning did not come with back aches and tennis elbow. :fish: *sigh*
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    Pics Of My Bettas!

    Wow! Fatten this guy up and he'll look even more impressive. Congratulations! :nod:
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    Red Plakat

    Dang! I should've sneaked it out when you did not notice. :look:
  22. P

    First Time Breeding Bettas

    When they become bigger I will post pics of them. Right now, it would not look any different from recent fry pics I posted... lousy camera. :sad: :lol: Estimating about 120 fry from two 10 gallon grow-out tanks... 14 jarred ones included. :D
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    Fighting Bettas?

    ... *sigh* :( :beer:
  24. P

    Do Females Build Bubble Nests?

    So did my favorite female plakat. :nod:
  25. P

    First Time Breeding Bettas

    Thanks! I jarred 4 more today. :unsure: 4 more jars to clean up :band:
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    My Hm Plakat

    I hope I can get some nice babies from that spawn too. :sly: :hey:
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    First Time Breeding Bettas

    Fry everywhere! These little ones are now sharks feasting on bloodworms, brine shrimp and anything in sight! :shifty:
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    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    "China", a pretty cellophane female PK Here's "Powder"... ... all recovered and healthy... opaque white female plakat. another shot of "X".
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    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    Wahahaha! :lol:
  30. P

    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    That's methylene blue in there. Just a preventive so the fry and juvies don't get velvet or ich. I just put it in randomly from time to time. Nothing beats 50 to 75 percent daily water change though. :nod: Clean water and good food are the best for maitainance. With the adult gallon tanks...
  31. P

    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    Yes. He's quite unique too. I got all 12 as light colored, transparent-finned fry. As weeks went by, they started becoming red on the fins except that one. I thought he was a dud. Somehow, this oddball also has stronger, firmer finnage compared to all his siblings whose fin rays can look soft...
  32. P

    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    Oh... :blink: you mean the plakats? :lol: They are growing steadily. Most are still in the grow-out tanks. So far, I have 12 that are jarred. That will be a surprise _cRaCkEr_ my man. :nod: Besides, I've got a lousy camera (not like your brand new spiffy digicam)... 8 week old fry pics...
  33. P

    Juveniles And Some Other Bettas

    I have two sets of fry. My brother left me with crowntail juvies when they were wee bit fry. They are turning out better than I expected. Cambodians. Check out the butterfly... I have high hopes for that guy. Oh my! There used to be a table around here somewhere... :lol: ...and...
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    Your Betta Pictures

    I am glad you liked my betta pic. Show us the finished art, ok?
  35. P

    Your Betta Pictures

    Maybe you can try the pics of my monster CTs. :*)
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    Finicky Eater!

    I put a bit of tank water in a small container (about 5 drops from a medicine dropper), add a small chunk of the frozen bloodworms, and let it thaw for a few minutes. I usually give about 4-5 pieces of the reddest, plumpest, juiciest bloodworm to each adult, 2-3 pieces for the juveniles, and...
  37. P

    Betta Spawning.

    Watching the actual spawn was fun. My kids and I all got to view the ritual. It's the raising fry (jarred) that's scary!
  38. P

    Finicky Eater!

    My bettas (CT's, Plakats) will never pass up any frozen bloodworms. They also hate the freeze-dried varieties of bloodworms and brine shrimp. Even my platys and goldfish hate freeeze dried stuff. You can also try frozen beef heart. :nod:
  39. P

    First Time Breeding Bettas

    I made a big move today. I jarred my first 9 fry. I was planning to jar some at 8 weeks... but this morning I found a dead fry being devoured by the siblings. They were getting too aggressive in the tank. At first, I wanted to take just one or two of the bigger fry and ended up jarring 9 of...
  40. P

    Will They Be Ok

    Thanks for the heads up Synirr. I'll remember that next time I decide to breed my bettas. Thankfully all my current fry have ventrals. It's alos probably becausr they are such voracious eaters. Unhatched eggs don't stay long at the bottom! :lol: :nod: