First Time Breeding Bettas

An update on the fry:

Plakat fry turned 6 weeks last Monday. I mentioned earlier that it was getting easy to siphon the bottom because the fry can move away from the siphon stick end... that was only for a short time. :X I'm back at it's-so-difficult-to-clean-the-tank mode. The fry are now double in size and are darting to and fro and playing in the siphon's current. Two 10 gallon tanks are double the back ache and arm strain! :crazy:

The biggest fry would be an inch long, displaying juvie stripes and colors. I now have reds, blues, torquise and greens among the finnage and body. The greens will probably become darker blues. I'm crossing my fingers the bigger ones and the brightly colored ones become HM plakats. :nod:

Another thing... the gentle baby brine shrimp feeders have turned. They are now voracious, ravenous, bloodworm (shaved-frozen) eating monster dragons. :alien:
It's a chaotic frenzy during feeding time. Most of them now hang-out near the surface. The bottom dwellers are the smaller ones who pick up the leftovers.

I'll post pics probably next week. My camera is with my sister right now.

I'll wait for maybe 8 weeks before I start jarring some. It's difficult to know males from females at this point. They all look like males! :lol:

Estimate head count for both tanks: Still more or less around 150 fry. :blink: :S
I made a big move today. I jarred my first 9 fry.

I was planning to jar some at 8 weeks... but this morning I found a dead fry being devoured by the siblings.
They were getting too aggressive in the tank.
At first, I wanted to take just one or two of the bigger fry and ended up jarring 9 of the most aggressive ones.
They were also the more developed and good formed fry.
It was a difficult decision as I also am caring for 12 of my brother's CT juvies that he left me.

And now... It has begun! :-(
I made a big move today. I jarred my first 9 fry.

I was planning to jar some at 8 weeks... but this morning I found a dead fry being devoured by the siblings.
They were getting too aggressive in the tank.
At first, I wanted to take just one or two of the bigger fry and ended up jarring 9 of the most aggressive ones.
They were also the more developed and good formed fry.
It was a difficult decision as I also am caring for 12 of my brother's CT juvies that he left me.

And now... It has begun! :-(

That's what I'm talking about.





Fry everywhere! These little ones are now sharks feasting on bloodworms, brine shrimp and anything in sight! :shifty:
All I can say is "Holy Betta Fry Batman!!" They are everywhere! How many did you have at final count?
any chance of pics of the jarred ones?

When they become bigger I will post pics of them. Right now, it would not look any different from recent fry pics I posted... lousy camera. :sad: :lol:

All I can say is "Holy Betta Fry Batman!!" They are everywhere! How many did you have at final count?

Estimating about 120 fry from two 10 gallon grow-out tanks... 14 jarred ones included. :D

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