Is It Too Early To Jar


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok my fry are coming up to the 4 week stage now and I have noticed that there is at least two fry that keep starting fights! One I can easily identify as he has a little black dot near his mouth and a row of dots appearing on his anal fin which looks cute! I read somewhere today that some fry do need jarring at this age is it true? Or should I just leave them to carry on! I'm almost certain it only goes on after they have been fed although I'm not 100% sure as I'm normally at work! None of the other bettas seem to be injured or anything yet but I don't want to risk it either! I nearly intervened this morning as one sparring match went on for at least a minute (ok its not that long but it seemed ages)!
As you know, I'm new at breeding bettas myself and I've learned that the less you interfere (exceptions being water change and feeding) with growing fry, the better they develop.

Moving them to a bigger grow-out tank with ample plants to hide in might solve your problem.

As long as no fins are damaged, I'll keep them together. I recently started jarring (8 weeks) just because some were getting to aggressive for their own good.

:*) ;)
Thanks pugbrat! I'm moving them to a 2ft tank by the end of next week! I cant move them in there until I get a new heater (sigh)! I just cant get over how stroppy they are becoming at this age! I'll leave them be for now then! Thanks for replying!
They should be fine till you can put them in the bigger grow-out :)

My 4 week olds are due to move, was going to do it today but have a nasty cold and would fear of dripping into the tank if I did it today :sick:
They are probably fine and just establishing a pecking order - which is natural. They really can't inflict much damage on one another at 4 weeks. But I have jarred some of mine as early as 5 weeks, just the largest or most aggressive.

I have jarred 12 out of a spawn that is now 13 weeks, which is closer to the age I normally do. The smallest I leave in grow out until they are , well, about this big (-------<


They are probably fine and just establishing a pecking order - which is natural. They really can't inflict much damage on one another at 4 weeks. But I have jarred some of mine as early as 5 weeks, just the largest or most aggressive.

I have jarred 12 out of a spawn that is now 13 weeks, which is closer to the age I normally do. The smallest I leave in grow out until they are , well, about this big (-------<

When I was still breeding mine, I usually had to start jarring at about 6 weeks old. I always ended up with one or two individuals that were just meaner than snot to everybody else, and actually had one fry torn apart just before six weeks by two larger siblings. I tend to err on the side of the caution, so everyone who so much as flared at anybody else was getting jarred after that.
Hi Joby hope you feel better soon

Thanks to everyone for replying! Mantis 147 I have 24 fry left (not alot I know but its better than none)

I now have one that looks to be developing swim bladder problems (noticed last night), I'm hoping that it will sort itself out! Does anyone know what I should do about his swim bladder problem?

I also saw them coming up to the surface for air for the first time ever!
If it continues and worsens, then you may want to consider just separating the ones doing the bullying. If they can stay together a little longer, or if a larger tank works out then leave them for a few more weeks. When thinking of separating the fry, theres no law stating you need to jar all or none. hehehe So if there are a few that are causing significant problems, its ok to think of jarring or isolating just them. :)

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