Need Help Breeding My Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2006
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hey.. i have 3 bettas.. 1 male 2 females and i want to breed them... can somebody please tell me what to buy etc to get them breeding thanks... the tank is 15L
Have a read through the FAQ at the top of the page, mainly this one Breeding Bettas and if you can't find the answers in there then check back and I'm sure somebody will point you in the right direction.

As you read on though, breeding bettas is completely different to say breeding guppies or any other livebearers so be prepared :D
if you have all 3 bettas in the same 15L tank you're going to experience aggressiveness, shredding and fatal consequences unfortunately. males should be kept seperate from females and away from any other betta, and females, if kept in groups need to be in 10 US Gallons (37 Litres) and in groups of 4 or more to even out aggression.

you'll need a lot more than a 15L tank if you want to breed!
Hello there.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong but in another thread, you posted a pic of your betta...

Breeding takes a lot of requirements before your fish can achieve it. I'm talking about the health condition of the pair. Both male and female bettas should be above all, primed and conditioned for breeding. They should be healthy and always be kept in very clean water prior to breeding, which takes about 2 - 3 weeks.

The betta you posted looks too stressed and a bit thin. His fins show that there's something lacking healthwise. I would not think about breeding at this time. Instead, go and bring back the betta to optimum condition... then think about breeding.

Just trying to help. :*) :)
And before you do a breeding, make sure you have everything you're going to need once the babies come. They'll need special food, heat, a sponge filter, etc.; and as they get older and aggressive, you'll need to house the juvvies separately (have you got room and containers for hundreds of fish?). And then what will you do with all those fish? Bettas are capable of laying lots of eggs and if the father is a good caregiver, most of the eggs will hatch. I've heard of some bettas laying a couple thousand of eggs per spawn--are you ready for that? You'll have ot keep the newborn babies' tank real clean and baby bettas are teeny tiny and white (well, black ones maybe a slighly grey toned but pretty close to white) so they're hard to see. Read up on breeding bettas first to make sure you are already equipped for the whole experience. I've known of too many new breeders who suddenly find they need to feed the babies wee live food adn they can't find any so the whole spawn dies (babies cannot live very long without eating), or the breeders didn't figure on not having the baby tank available for months so the adults got shafted and died, or if they brought even 50-100 babies to juvvie stages, they didn't have places to put them so the juvvies tore each other up.
my fighter is living in a coldwater tank now for about 4 months... i havent checked ph levels or anything.. feeding him once every 2 days and his going well... well he looks like his going well lol.

so you suggest not to have a male with the females?
also what are some other fish i can mix with bettas (coldwater)

thanks :D
Bettas are not coldwater. They are tropical. Get a heater. Seperate them, if they are together. Read about the basics of looking after them. Get the idea of breeding out of your head.
lol ok... do i need a filter?? and is there a chance a heater can catch on fire? :*)
You really need to go and do a who lot of research on bettas! They need water no lower than about 72 degrees. They should be fed 2-3 betta pellets 2twice a day, and also you need to supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, or brine shrimp. You really shouldn't have bought the fish until you knew how to take care of them :/
my fighter is living in a coldwater tank now for about 4 months... i havent checked ph levels or anything.. feeding him once every 2 days and his going well... well he looks like his going well lol.

Sorry, but I don't think your betta looks well at all. Once every 2 days feeding won't help make it healthier either. Please learn to properly care for your fish first. I'm sure you can read up on articles on the internet on how to take care of betta splendens. :blink:
Long before even considering breeding bettas, I think you need to do some serious research about bettas in general; your breeding will not only fail the way you are currently caring for them, but I have concerns that the fish will probably die within a few weeks or months with the way you are caring for them. They are a tropical, solitary, agressive species. You have yours in a coldwater, group setting. Do them all a favor and buy them each a 2.5 gallon tank with a mini-heater, read up on betta care, feed them more and a better variety, and get them back into good health. (Normal, healthy bettas are not pale and thin with shredded fins) Then, once you've mastered betta care, research breeding extensively and buy a proper breeding pair; no one is going to buy a bunch of pet quality VTs. Pet stores get them en masse dirt cheap from overseas, and no reputable betta breeder wants something bred out of store stock. Unless you have the time and space for about 200 babies, you will need to make sure there is a market around you, and buy quality breeding bettas that can be sold to other hobbyists.

Please crawl before you walk. Check out our FAQs on betta care, ask questions of members, and get some experience with betta care. If you do not, you will not have babies, and you may not even have live bettas.
Sounds like you're going to need to do a lot of research about general care of bettas before you even consider breeding them. :/
ok... if bettas arnt coldwater fish then why do pet shops down here sell them in coldwater tanks? and what are some other fish that can be mixed with bettas????
Your pet shop knows nothing about fish... is there another one nearby that is better?

african dwarf frogs can be mixed with bettas. But you should research about bettas, im sure many people here could help you out :thumbs:

not many fish go good with bettas, do as Random Wiktor suggested with the 2.5 gallon tank.

Is there a friend or a good fish shop that could house the betta for you, until you have the optimal condition?

Good Luck!

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