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  1. N

    A question! (or 2.....or 3.....or 4....)

    Hey guys! :) Thanks for replyin! I bought a big ladder, but we have a wooden board that we are goin to cut and stick to the back of it so Jaffa's tootsies don't fall thru! :clap: I have rabbit-proofed my bedroom! :D And Houndour, I have 2 male bunnies so I wasn't sure if they would fight -...
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    Appreciate your pets

    :-( Ecto your first post and all the pictures really made me cry. When you said about the last thing he did was wag his tail, that really set me off. All of your stories are really upsettin. Sorry for your losses and hugs to all of you. :-( I'll take a look at the RainbowBridge thing later...
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    A question! (or 2.....or 3.....or 4....)

    Thanks alot OohFeeshy! :) Do you have any idea whether or not he will be able to climb up and down a couple of ladders? :blink:
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    A question! (or 2.....or 3.....or 4....)

    On Friday my Mum and Dad came back from the pet store with a 7 week old baby bunny for my birthday! He is so sweet! He is a Lionhead and Lop-eared cross breed, and he was hand-reared because he is so friendly! Don't worry, we have kept bunnies for years, and we hav 2 now, because we also have...
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    Say hello the King of Cats

    :dunno: Could be...... :shifty:
  6. N

    Say hello the King of Cats

    :) Seahorse, is he a Ragdoll? I have 1 Ragdoll and 4 Persians! :D
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    Goin on hols 4 2 weeks!

    :blink: I could, but...I'd feel real guilty all hols thinkin that my fish were sittin there for 2 weeks without food... -_-
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    Goin on hols 4 2 weeks!

    :D Thanks so much guys!
  9. N

    Goin on hols 4 2 weeks!

    :D In July I am goin on hols for 2 weeks. I hav 4 betta tanks, a 45gal and a 30gal. I hav recently had a few probs with pH in the 45gal, :no: but after usin a pH buffer, things hav gone back to normal. My nan is goin to be stayin at our house, lookin after all our other pets, and as we've...
  10. N

    oh no!

    Thank you Sylvia and akitty6552. :look: My golden gourami has died now too. :-(
  11. N

    oh no!

    ....I feel like givin up..... :-( Amoungst other tanks, I have a 45gal that I got and set up in December. It's current fishies are 5 platys 3 angels (1 sunset blusher/ 2 peach long-fin) 4 gouramis (2 neon dwarf blue/1 opaline/1golden) 1 very small black moor (will go and live in the pond when...
  12. N

    Clown Tail Betta

    Wow! :hyper: They're gorgeous! I want 2 more male bettas! I'm going to see if I can order some from somewhere! :D
  13. N

    Please help!

    :) Thanks everyone. I was having a panick attack but have calmed down now. OK, I have added the sea salt (Only a few grains) to each tank. At first the betta flared out his front fins and took a H-U-G-E breath, and I thought OMG what have I done! I've killed him! But they're ok now. But my...
  14. N

    Please help!

    They're not exactly fry! They're not very far off from being full grown, but they're not too big at the moment. :) Thanks for the links, Wilder.
  15. N

    Fish you'd like to see less of...

    I only fish I'd like my LFS to stop stocking and selling are dyed fish. :-( Poor things. It's so sad and upsetting to see something like little albino corys with bright green, lilac, and got pink tails. :no:
  16. N

    Please help!

    :no: In one of my tanks, a 10gal, I have three young platys (2 high-fin and 1 sunset) and a lovely male betta. They are fairly new, and a minute ago I realised one of the platys has fungus and/finrot. I have moved her to a 5gal hospital tank. I added the last few drops of Protozin that I...
  17. N

    tetra fresh food

    It's ok hope yours are ok. :) They probably will be!
  18. N

    tetra fresh food

    Sorry debiasir, a little of topic, but have you ever feed these to your goldies before? I was just wondering, because last time I feed my goldy bloodworm, he died. :-( I don't know if it was anything to do with the bloodoworm though...
  19. N


    This is what I do... :D Mon - Flakes, 1 algae wafer Tues - Flakes, bloodworm Wed - Flakes, a few mushed peas, half an algae wafer Thurs - Flakes, 1 algae wafer Fri - Flakes, 1-2 small slice of cucumber Sat - Flakes, half an algae wafer, smaller amount of bloodworm Sun - Flakes, half an algae...
  20. N


    I don't have a clue what type it is, germanshepherdlver, I don't do snails! :D It's about 5mm, is brown, as moves quite fast(ish). The gravel had been sitting dry in a bag for ages, then decided I wanted to put it in the tank! :dunno:
  21. N

    Any info please?

    Yeah I know that wrs's link was a SAE, but Wilder's link was the Siamese Shark. They also had an albino one there, and that was a bit bigger. The LFS worker said they didn't grow more than 5". But that particular shop has been known to spout out anything they think of at the time about fish...
  22. N


    I have had an empty 5gal sitting in my room for ages. So I added gravel, never been used, and two fake plants, straight out of the packet. Then filled it up with tap water and dechlorinated it. Today, there's a big snail it in! And it was moving quite fast ~ for a snail, anyway! ~ where on...
  23. N

    Any info please?

    :X Doh! 18"?! Maybe I sholdn't get one, not if they're going to eat my other fishees... Thanks guys! :D
  24. N

    Oh no!

    Oh no! :-( :-( :-( My first spawn... Thanks everyone. :-( :( I now have 3 empty 5gal tanks that I bought especially for 3 males that I was going to keep. I'm going to buy 2 bettas from a LFS later today. In the other one, I may put a few male guppies.
  25. N

    Oh no!

    :-( I recently spawned my bettas, and as they are bigger now I moved them into a community tank in a big breeding net so they could have better filtration, heating etc. Anyway, they were fine for a few days, have just started accepting foods, then.... I woke up this morning, and there's a zebra...
  26. N

    Any info please?

    :D Hello! Does anyone have any info on Siamese Sharks? I've seen some down a LFS (I have 6 LFS! :hyper:) and I asked a worker and he said they're fine in a community tank, as long as you don't keep more than one in the same tank. I just wanted to check that this was ok, and also wanted to know...
  27. N

    What are these?

    Thanks to CometCattle and rdd1952, I now know what shrimps I have! :) rdd1952, have you ever ordered from that site before? I am going to order 1 tiger shrimp 1 rudolph red-nosed shrimp 1 dwarf blackberry shrimp 1 dwarf emerald green deora shrimp This is coming to a total of £10.55, but I...
  28. N

    What are these?

    I have recently bought three more shrimps to add to my original one, who was lonely! :) When I asked the LFS guy for them, I think he said, "which ones, the chocolate shrimps?" I just said "I'm not sure, 3 of those ones!" :*) and pointed to the tank stuffed with shrimps! The original shrimp...
  29. N

    Does anyone know

    In my 70litre, along with other fish I had 3 mollies - 1 dalmation male, and 2 lovely yellow females. I also have 2 baby mollies. Well yesterday, when I woke up, I found one of the females dead. I was so upset. How long do they live for?
  30. N

    Does this sound ok?

    :lol: LOL! Erm no I don't actually, it might be an idea though! :D
  31. N

    Does this sound ok?

    :D OK thanks, now I am DEFINATE on everything! :) ...well, nearly. There is one thing though, but is isn't to do with the fish or tank. I was sorting out where it was going to go, and as the only place it can go is my bedroom (with my 6 other tropical tanks! :hyper: ) I realised that I do...
  32. N

    Does this sound ok?

    :hyper: Oh great thanks OohFeeshy! I'll get one! :)
  33. N


    :D Wow, your tank looks great! You could add... 3 more platys 10 cardinal tetras to add colour 2 dojo loaches (they rule!) 2 more otos 4 more danios :) EDIT: I don't think this is overstocked, if any thinks any different please say! :)
  34. N


    I have alot of my bettas in those kritter keepers...some have desk lamps for their light and I use reptile heat pads for the heat...I think they're quite cheap too. :) Some of my other bettas live in those critter keepers without heat - some may think this is wrong but they are all lively...
  35. N

    Does this sound ok?

    Thanks for the great advice everyone! :D I won't go with the kribs, but I was only thinking of the kuhlis because they would burrow and stir up the sand, so that would prevent any dangerous gas pockets wouldn't it? I'd rather keep the corys than swap them for the kuhlis really. I don't think...
  36. N


    :crazy: £50?!?! THAT'S CRAZY! Is there no where that you can order a small 5gal from? :crazy:
  37. N

    Kuhli loaches - great fun !

    :lol: lol glad you found some more! You're right, they are great little guys! :)
  38. N

    Do you think I should say something?

    :flex: Too right, Bunjiweb! :lol:
  39. N

    Does this sound ok?

    Hi! I have a feeling this is going to be a l-o-n-g post! :fun: Firstly, I am going to be buying a new tank soon! It is 57litres (how many gallons is that), and this is how I plan to set it up. Plz point out any flaws and any changes that I can/have to make. 1. Buy tank and stand (-...