Does this sound ok?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Hi! I have a feeling this is going to be a l-o-n-g post! :fun:
Firstly, I am going to be buying a new tank soon! It is 57litres (how many gallons is that), and this is how I plan to set it up. Plz point out any flaws and any changes that I can/have to make.
1. Buy tank and stand (- obviously! :blink: )
2. Add sand, bogwood, air stone, and other decoration
3. Add filter media from established tanks and some gravel
4. Buy and add plants - 3 'grassy' plants of some sort, 1 java fern, and 1 smaller plant
5. 2 weeks later, add 3 mickey mouse platys (and maybe 2 kuhli loaches)
6. 1 week later, add 4 peppered corys
7. 1 week later, add 5 marbled hatchetfish and 2 kribs
8. 2 weeks later, add 2 panda corys and 5-10 black neon tetras!
:D Thanks in advance!
Sounds great except for the Kribensis, the tank is too small for them unless you have JUST them in the tank. They can be very terratorial and wont do very well in a tank that size.

57L is about 15Gallons.

57L is 12.5 imp gallons, 15 US gallons. Mix sounds good apart from Kribs as mentioned, they will require the whole tank as territory when they breed, and they aint nice when they are amourous :D

You'll also have a problem if you add established filter media (I suppose you want an instant cycle right?) but then leave the bacteria with no source of ammonia for two weeks. The bacteria will just die and the tank will have to cycle from scratch. I changed your plan a little - here:

This is just what I would do... I switched your stocking around a bit as well but it's up to you what exactly you decide to keep or whatever.

1. Buy tank and stand (- obviously! ) (fill it up first to check for leaks though in a 15 gallon this isn't as likely to cause problems :) - then empty it again)
2. Add sand, bogwood, air stone, and other decoration (fill it up and keep the filter running as your tank will be very cloudy with all the sand - do some water changes and soon it should be clear again)
3. Buy and add plants - 3 'grassy' plants of some sort, 1 java fern, and 1 smaller plant - make sure you check for snails!
4. Add filter media from established tanks and some gravel
5. 2 HOURS later, add 3 mickey mouse platys
6. 1 week later, add 4 peppered corys (after you have tested the water params to make sure the tank is cycled fully and do a water change before you get the new fish as you would do weekly anyway)
7. 1 week later, add 5 marbled hatchetfish
8. 2 weeks later, add 2 panda cories 6 black neon tetras

I should point out that you will be slightly over-stocked for a 15 gallon and I think you should skip the kuhlies altogether as you will have the 6 cories in the bottom layers anyway. Otherwise, I would skip the panda cories. Obviously it's up to you and, as long as you keep up with maintainance, it could work out fine with everything (except the kribs).
Thanks for the great advice everyone! :D
I won't go with the kribs, but I was only thinking of the kuhlis because they would burrow and stir up the sand, so that would prevent any dangerous gas pockets wouldn't it? I'd rather keep the corys than swap them for the kuhlis really. I don't think the corys would stir up the sand though, would they?
Anyway, thanks Sylvia, I know what I am doing know! :) I'll also buy 6 neons!
If you want to stop gas pockets, either do it manually every week or get a malaysian trumpet snail. Those stir up the sand too methinks.
the only problems with the snails is if you have 1 you end up with hundreds overunning your tank!!
I don't think malaysian trunmpets will multiply - I don't think they reproduce asexualy do they? Anyway, regardless, as long as the layer of sand isn't too thick, the cories will stirr it up enough and your regular cleaning should stir it up a little more.
sylvia said:
I don't think malaysian trunmpets will multiply - I don't think they reproduce asexualy do they? Anyway, regardless, as long as the layer of sand isn't too thick, the cories will stirr it up enough and your regular cleaning should stir it up a little more.
No, that species of snail won't reproduce asexualy, egg clumps can be removed manually as they only appear now and again. I want some if anyone wants to send me some :p

:D OK thanks, now I am DEFINATE on everything! :)
...well, nearly.

There is one thing though, but is isn't to do with the fish or tank. I was sorting out where it was going to go, and as the only place it can go is my bedroom (with my 6 other tropical tanks! :hyper: ) I realised that I do not have any plug sockets left at all. I also have 2 lizard tanks in my room, and the number of extension leads in there is countless - it's a wonder that they're actually all hidden! :rolleyes: The tank is going to go next to one of my lizard tanks, so it will be in the corner. Ideally, I could have changed the extension lead that my lizard's lights and heat mats are plugged into to a bigger one, with 8 plugs, so I could plug the heater, filter, pumps, and light and a timer in too. I later found out that I can't because this much electricity would overheat the main plug. Is there any way that I can plug all the lizard and fish plugs in, but still only using the extension lead with four plugs? -_-

This is a strange question, I admit, but this may prove to be a problem...
I have loads of extension leads. I only have 3 sockets, and need to use plugs for.. TV, video player, dvd player, hi-fi (which I've unplugged), playstation, N64, filter for 3 tanks, heater for 2 tanks, lighting for one tank.... I could go on. I've had no problems really.

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