Goin on hols 4 2 weeks!

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
:D In July I am goin on hols for 2 weeks. I hav 4 betta tanks, a 45gal and a 30gal. I hav recently had a few probs with pH in the 45gal, :no: but after usin a pH buffer, things hav gone back to normal. My nan is goin to be stayin at our house, lookin after all our other pets, and as we've already been away twice this year, I've got it sorted about what to do with the food. :kana: I leave cups sittin next to every tank, one cup for each day, and fill it with the right amount of flakes, catfish pellets, and a small amount of veg. Also, this time, I may leave a few cups of bloodworm and brine shrimp but with some clingfilm or something over the top bcoz man, they stink! :sick: :lol: What I am worried about is the water changes. The heaters, airstones, filters and pumps are on all the time, and the lights are all on timers, but I don't know what the do when it comes to water changes. My nan won't be able to do them, so that's not a possibility! :blink:
Plz help! :)
You should be fine without them. Do you have live plants? I think they absorb nitrate as well. So don't worry.
I agree you'll be fine. Just make sure you do one not long before you leave and when you come back.

And as has been said, live plants absorb nitrAte (and also amonia and nitrIte).

yeah, no probs.

We went away for three weeks and left our tanks in the hands of feeders - no water changes, came back and everyone was fine.

You will be a lot safer if you get your nan to feed your fish once every 2 or 3 days - that will reduce the amount of waste and the need for water changes.

If you do do this, start to fast your fish in the week before you go to get them use to their less regular diet.
Putting the food into containers is a good idea - reduces the chances of overfeeding.
The day before you go do a 50% water change.
As you walk out chuck a pinch of flakes/pellets in.

Let your nan do her fish sitting bit.

When you come back, do another 50% water change.

Gradually increase the feeding back to yoour usual regime over the following week.

And the most important part, don't worry and have a good hol!
Unless you are overstocked, do nothing. An enthusiastic amateur can do irreprable harm. If I am going for 2 weeks, I do nothing at all, lights are on timers already, no water changes, no food, nothing.

I could, but...I'd feel real guilty all hols thinkin that my fish were sittin there for 2 weeks without food... -_-
I know you can get away with doing no water changes for two weeks on community tanks, but betta tanks? I mean, they're as small as a couple of gallons kinda thing ... I doubt they'd be ok for 2 weeks.


Also, don't leave any bloodworms or brine shrimp (at least, not when de-frozen!) they'll go off within a couple of hours if not kept in the freezer or fridge. In the freezer you can keep them for a long time, in the fridge for about 48 hours. Live brine shrimp or bloodworms, no clue about that. Cept that the bloodworms will probably turn into mosquitos.

--Edit again--

I do agree with LL here, if you feel too guilty about leaving them without food for 2 weeks, at least limit their amount of food to once every 3 or 4 days. When feeding every day, chances of polluting the water (plus your fish will create more ammonia and stuff when being fed every day) are high, and you might not be able to get away with 2 weeks without water changes.

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