Any info please?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
There! ;0)
:D Hello!
Does anyone have any info on Siamese Sharks? I've seen some down a LFS (I have 6 LFS! :hyper:) and I asked a worker and he said they're fine in a community tank, as long as you don't keep more than one in the same tank. I just wanted to check that this was ok, and also wanted to know about their food, size, etc! :) I've googled and asked Jeeves for ages - but every time I type in 'siamese sharks', a whole load of stuff comes up about bettas! :rolleyes:
Thanks in advance!
:X Doh! 18"?!
Maybe I sholdn't get one, not if they're going to eat my other fishees...
Thanks guys! :D
That's a Siamese Algae Eater and they grow up to 6".

Search the scientific name, not common.

Not trying to offend...
Yeah I know that wrs's link was a SAE, but Wilder's link was the Siamese Shark. They also had an albino one there, and that was a bit bigger. The LFS worker said they didn't grow more than 5". But that particular shop has been known to spout out anything they think of at the time about fish to unsuspecting new bs. :/

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