

fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
could anyone sugest a menu to feed my tropicals (neons, guppies and bristlenose all in same tank). my food options are algea wafers, whole bloodworm, flakes, peas and cucumber. (ie monday-flakes and wafer, tuesday - flakes, wafer and bllodworm treat, you get the idea :) )

just i really want to make sure the fish are eating well.

ps there is not alot of algea in the tank for the plec but he has bog wood that supposidly has something in they like but i am sure algea will come in time :rolleyes:

i feed flakes
with bloodworms/daphnia/brine shrimp as a treat
and u give the catfish and plecs alge wafers and these pellet thingys
This is what I do... :D
Mon - Flakes, 1 algae wafer
Tues - Flakes, bloodworm
Wed - Flakes, a few mushed peas, half an algae wafer
Thurs - Flakes, 1 algae wafer
Fri - Flakes, 1-2 small slice of cucumber
Sat - Flakes, half an algae wafer, smaller amount of bloodworm
Sun - Flakes, half an algae wafer
:) Of course, this is just what I would do, but that way you don't overfeed, on the treats (bloodworm, peas, cucumber), and you don't give your BN plec too much wafer, because yes, you were right, the bogwood contains nutrients (I think).
Hope this helps a bit! :)

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