tetra fresh food


fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
has any one had any experience with this product??

bout to give a serving to my goldies and WCMM and will be giving a serving to my tropical tank at lights out tonight.

yes i have fed that to my fish and they love it. only feed as a treat though as too much can cause constipation.
Yep, I use the bloodworm & daphnia varieties to feed my bottom dwelling meat eaters including Violet Gobies, banjo cats, rhinogobius wui and plecs.
They love it!
My livebearers eat this out of my hand, and my corys love it too. Have just bought some brine shrimp same make and am serving those next week.
Yep, I use it. Its best for bottomfeeders as it sinks. Depending on what fish your feeding it to, I'd either seperate the worms out a bit in a cup of tankwater first or cut a biiger hole where the 'nozzle' is. They don't come out too well.
I use that as a treat, and also their Brine Shrimps. My fish love it, but they love all food!
I've tried them before. The fish ate them, but they left an oily haze over the surface of the water - took me weeks to get rid of it. :S
Sorry debiasir, a little of topic, but have you ever feed these to your goldies before? I was just wondering, because last time I feed my goldy bloodworm, he died. :-( I don't know if it was anything to do with the bloodoworm though...
Nuttygal! :0) said:
Sorry debiasir, a little of topic, but have you ever feed these to your goldies before? I was just wondering, because last time I feed my goldy bloodworm, he died. :-( I don't know if it was anything to do with the bloodoworm though...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.nope i only bought the food yesterday and first fed them on it today.

they wolfed them down aswell. fingers crossed.

sorry bout your goldfish :byebye: .
they are hard little buggers, they survived moving house with no ill effects so hopefully they'll be fine. ill be gutted if i lose them though.

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