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    Online Fish Products

    Anyone know a good supplier of Sera products in the UK?
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    What Do You Think Fish Talk And Think About?

    I once heard that Whales analyse complex mathematical algorithms, however we were under a chemical influence at the time.
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    Botia Courtship

    For the last two days a pair of my Zebra loaches have been swimming in continuous circles with each other, both have become paler than normal and do the chasing bit for upto 30 minutes at a time. Could this be courtship, it seems little is known on the breeding habits of Zebra loaches. Has...
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    Juwel Compact Filter

    Mine is setup as the website. Just a side note, but you might consider removing the carbon pad. Not really necessary unless you need it for something specific, could in fact be detrimentalif you have live plants.
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    Eheim 2028 Professional Ii

    Are you sure the tube doesn't contain vaseline for sealing. I used an excess piece of rubber tubing to connect the spray bar to the plastic u-bend bit. Only needed about 2"
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    Are Blue Rams Cultivated?

    I think they are quite cultivated, mine are often seen drinking Pimms and reading poetry.
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    Mussel Film (bio Filter And Alg Eater)

    I'm a bit wary about this. I assume by the video not working my pc has just downloaded something dodgy, or am I being paranoid. 2 posts on the same subject to nothing. Off to do a virus check.
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    Random Shot From Various Tanks (no Bettas!)

    :hyper: :hyper: That Syno looks like it could do with being on Biggest Loser, he certainly ate all the pies.
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    Which Fish..

    Well my Colombian tetras keep breeding and after a few weeks a few lone survivors turn up. They should soon be big enough to be let out of the breeding net. This is what they looked like
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    Do You Eat Fish?

    I eat lots of fish, in fact it probably makes up the majority of my protein intake. Although I mo longer eat cod after I found a big live cod worm in a fillet at the supermarket, put me right off. I remember seeing a program in the Uk once where a woman was holding a dinner party for her...
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    Fish For Fish?

    Firstly the fish will most probably belong to someone else, ie a fishery or angling club so it could be considered stealing. Otherwise you would have people stealing large carp all over the country to put in their private lakes (actually this already happens and people get prosecuted)
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    Coarse Fish

    I have to agree with the other posters, the fish you have listed will get two big for your average aquarium. However it might be worth looking at things like Gudgeon, bullheads and Ruffe. MAy even be worth looking at sticklebacks which can be very colourful.
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    Serpae Tetra Killing Rams

    How about Colombian Tetras. I have 12 (+ 2 fry) and they are peacable and colourfull. For some reason they are also breeding. They never bother my Rams, in fact my male Ram enjoys chasing them. Might be worth a look.
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    Aquarium Laser System

    Sounds like the filter that was installed in the tank at the end of Finding Nemo
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    Anyone In Here Work In Pets At Home?

    I think some of the other tests are disposing of dead animals in the dumpsters round the back.
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    Wanted Pics Of Your Common Or Any Other Type Pleco

    My female BN My old male BN (now departed) My new male BN (Ancistrus triradiatus)
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    I Was Wondering...

    I'm also unsure about their stocking guidelines. I can heartily recommend their tank of the month competition which I won in September, thanks to that I now have a Sera Water Test box worth £50 at home. :D
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    The Fishless Wait, Obsessive Reading And Testing And Waiting...

    Solution to the problem of waiting. Take some carrots and cut them into different sized fish shapes and boil them for various degrees. Pop them in your tank and pretend they are fish, hours of fun I assure you.
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    Cleaning The Glass

    I use white vinegar, leaves no streaky marks and does a better job on glass then the more expensive glass cleaners.
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    Tap Water

    Thought this might be of some interest to the folks in the UK. If you are supplied by United Utilities you can get a report regarding the dontents of your tap water. This page is where you input your postcode 5jq My results
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    Eheim Substrate

    Thanks Wolf! Great advice as always :)
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    Eheim Substrate

    I have just measured the ph in my tank and it appears to have gone up to 7. Could the substrate from my Eheim filter affect the ph of my water? Just trying to figure out why it has gone up, Gh has gone up as well to 14 Can I use Blackwater extract to bring it down again gradually or is it not...
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    If you are looking for something a bit different to the common krib then consider Pelvicachromis Taeniatus (wild krib). IMHO they are more colourful than the common krib and currently there are about 12 different colour morphs. They do tend to be more expensive than normal kribs, expect to pay...
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    New Male Ancitrus

    Ta.I did see the story, they sure are hardy little buggers. Not really sure what my male is as he does have a marbled effect, one thing for sure I know he is definitely a different type compared to my female so I hope they don't breed. She bullies him anyway.
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    New Male Ancitrus

    Its a Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "Bipindi" aka wild krib I haven't managed to get him whilst fully coloured up yet, but he looks stunning when he is.
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    New Male Ancitrus

    Well my new male ancistrus finally came out of hiding tonight for some zucchini so got a few pics of him. Also got a few of my Wild Bipindi Kribs.
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    Ehiem Filter

    I find I am having to flush the pipes out nearly every week as they get clogged, and it still has the sponge protector on the end.
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    What Filter For Overfiltration?

    Do you work for Charterhouse Aquatics, if not then I reckon they should put you on some sort of commission with the amount of links you do to them. :D :D
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    What Camera ('s) Do You Use

    I use an Olympus C5050z. I bought it due to the lens going down to f1.8, which is perfect for underwater pics whilst diving. I use it with an Olympus P-015 underwater housing.
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    Thanks BigC, they are Gardneri and no difference in size. The female can be quite relentless
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    Bit strange that Killifish are counted as oddballs, maybe they should get their own forum.
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    Shiny Thing On Betta?

    Yes thats right an American lecturing us on the correct use of the English language, next you'll be laughing at us for using a "u" in the word colour. :S
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    I have a pair of Killifish and was just wondering if it is normal for the female to chase the male, she really seems to go for him quite nastily.
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    I have heard that the new version of Bio-Spira no longer needs to be kept refrigerated. So will this mean that we are going to see it in the UK soon? I've sent them an email to ask so we will see.
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    I still think that first pic looks like it has been edited. You can do lots of stuff quite easily with photoshop, even my gf can and she only started using photoshop yesterday. Here is the proof Before she got her hands on it and then afterwards
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    Finally They've Got It On

    Well I am now 99% sure that my Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "Bipindi" have bred. The female is firmly ensconced in her flower pot that she has been excavating for the last five days (sand mountains everywhere). Its there first brood so am not expecting any miracles, however it does give me an...
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    Frozen Food Found On Ebay

    Are you picking it up? Otherwise would it not defrost and spoil in transit?
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    Vegetables For Fish

    I have only used sweet potato, couldn't comment on any other types. I prepare it like this. Cut a 1cm thick slice. Place it in a coffee mu and then pour boiled water from the kettle over it. I then place cling film over the top of the mug and put it in the microwave on full power (800w) for...
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    Vegetables For Fish

    My plecs love sweet potato, Kribs have a bit of a munch on it as well. I simply par boil it in the microwave, attach a weight and put it in the tank. Its a bit more stable than Zucchini etc and the plecs have to rasp at it a bit more, but it doesn't half bulk them up. Got the tip from my lfs...
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    What Are These Worms Crawling Over The Glass?

    They sound like planaria, perfectly common and you will tend to see them when doing a fishless cycle. Once you get fish in there they will become a tasty snack. You should start getting hydra soon and will no doubt get water fleas before the cycle is finished. Nothing to worry about.