Coarse Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2005
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Can you keep fish such as Roach Rudd Perch Tench etc... in a tank?

What requirements would they need?
I dont know what this fish is, but if you could find out, you could post it in Oddballs(For ex.), or w/e fish family it is....
most fish can be kept in aquariums, provided you match their natural water parameters and have large enough dimensions!

but the fish you listed are all coldwater fish. i suggest you perform a search down in the coldwater portion of the forum and see what that turns up. i don't think any of those can be kept in tanks under 40g, but i could be wrong.

(you may also just want to pm a mod and get this thread relocated...)
yes you can keep these fish in tanks in many of my lfs stores they have these fish for sale i dont see many rudd or perch but there is plenty of tench and roach for sale.i would think fish like tench need a fairly big tank as they can get pritty big and there bottem for roach and rudd they dont get as big and wont need as such a big tank but it still needs to be a good size and i have seen roach in a tank in a restaurant once and they looked a nice fish.
I have tried this before (being a keen angler) and unfortunately it didnt go well, being cold water fish they didnt take well to the warmer temperatures of even an unheated tank and keeping oxygen levels high enough was a constant battle. The only way to keep these fish in a aquarium would be to invest in an expensive chiller unit to keep the water below 20c. The other option is an outdoor pond but obviously you wouldnt see as much of them that way.
You would need a large tank to do anything as rudd easily get up to 1ft and prefer to be in a shoal there very active fish so I would say nothing less than 6ft really, i'm not as sure on roach but it's probable about the same.

perch are a predactory fish so you would most likely have problems keeping them with rudd and roach, they can get to a fair size aswell, you also have to think that after catching for the wild you may have to supply them with live fish for a while until you can wean them onto dead.

tench will reach 2ft and being active scavengers should be in no less than a 5x2.

I keep 30 rudd fry in a small 2ft tank for 1 year until they were big enough to be returned to the pond and i had no deaths during that time and all grew to 3".

They are easy to breed, but I think all of these are more suited to pond life.
I have to agree with the other posters, the fish you have listed will get two big for your average aquarium.

However it might be worth looking at things like Gudgeon, bullheads and Ruffe.

MAy even be worth looking at sticklebacks which can be very colourful.

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