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  1. VaegaVic

    Blue Lobsters & Rainbow Crab

    Must you seriously pick a fight in every single thread? I'm leaving it here, I'm not going any further this time.
  2. VaegaVic

    Red Tail Black Shark Hybrid

    I would have thought, if juvenile, would look closer to this: And not have that really quite prominent lateral line that FF's have.
  3. VaegaVic

    Blue Lobsters & Rainbow Crab

    Just splitting hairs there to be honest.
  4. VaegaVic

    Red Tail Black Shark Hybrid

    I love it! Do they do mail order? Is it aggressive as the RTBS? How's he settling in? What other hybrids do they do? Any clue on fertility?
  5. VaegaVic

    Can Platies Have Swords?

    It's a swordtail. Closest I could find to yours, notice the same body shape?
  6. VaegaVic

    New From Michigan

    Aqua, you intrigue me, simply by the way you communicate. Would I be correct in saying English isn't your first language? Also, Carlove, I believe that's a PK yes, but possibly a King Betta.
  7. VaegaVic

    Help! Whats Wrong With Licorice Gourami

    Glad to hear he's better. I was going to say, in that last pic, it almost resembles a tad of dropsy. Scales all puffed and what not.
  8. VaegaVic

    Any Body Buy Bloodworm Pellet?

    Haha, no worries, I didn't take it as so. I hope they get back to you with a decent explanation. Imagine if Chops ate one of those bristles, I can't imagine his stomach would deal with it well.
  9. VaegaVic

    Tank Background

    d) All of the above.
  10. VaegaVic

    Any Body Buy Bloodworm Pellet?

    Well then... that's me told.
  11. VaegaVic

    Betta Troubles

    Well guppies aren't usually fussed, my hybrids (guppy/endler) have 1000lph filter on their 64L tank and they love to swim in the stream. Or you could just concentrate on keeping pretty guppies?
  12. VaegaVic

    Will 3 Line Shoal With Julli ?

    I think personally, if there not the fish I wanted, I wouldn't bother buying them. Go with what fish you want, buy some corys for the other groups and if they don't have tri's, ask if they can order them in for you.
  13. VaegaVic

    Betta Troubles

    Ah yes, that one. I bet that cost you a small fortune? £200 about right? In terms of stocking, try to go for more of the top/middle dwellers and bottom feeders will go crazy in there with only 20-24 square inches to go around in. Perhaps some lovely looking endlers? or even microrasboras...
  14. VaegaVic

    Will 3 Line Shoal With Julli ?

    Most likely not in the traditional sense. They would be glad for the company, but probably wouldn't actually shoal with them in the same way they would with their own species.
  15. VaegaVic

    Any Body Buy Bloodworm Pellet?

    It's not something I've ever heard of, although to be honest, I've never bought bloodworm pellets. Perhaps contact the suppliers and see if you get differing answers?
  16. VaegaVic

    Betta Troubles

    Which Biube size do we have?
  17. VaegaVic

    New Filter

    Hi there, I recently bought the 1000LPH version for my 64L tank and I have nothing but good things to say about it. The bioballs are just plastic, whether or not certain bacteria are attracted to them is another matter, but #33### do they take up a lot of space, I could just barely manage to fit...
  18. VaegaVic

    How Long Does It Take To Seed An Extra Filter In A Running Tank?

    Usually, I'd expect at least 6 weeks. I don't normally understand that process though. If your tank is fully stocked, all water levels are fine and then you put another filter in there, why would the bacteria grow on the new filter? Surely, since they only grow when food (ammonia) is present in...
  19. VaegaVic

    Betta Troubles

    It is, of course, entirely up to you OP. I personally wouldn't risk it, as although Bettas do get an unjustly biased community fish rating, I had to drive 30 minutes last night in the snow to rescue my fiancés pygmy corys from her betta. When I got there, he was literally snapping at them...
  20. VaegaVic

    Green Alge

    Possibly, it could also be the plants you buy aren't suited to your needs. Generally try to go with deep green plants as these are the hardiest and need the least light, meaning they will grow quicker with more. Floating plants are also good to have as they block out light for algae. Duckweed...
  21. VaegaVic

    Green Alge

    There we are, there's your problem. All your light is going directly to your algae as you have no live plants. Best thing to do is make sure your lights are only on when looking at the tank, otherwise there's no need and you'll just keep getting algae. Put it this way, even with Live plants...
  22. VaegaVic

    Betta Troubles

    Hi there, Firstly, bettas shouldn't be kept with guppies (in an ideal world) due to most of the time, the betta thinks the guppies are another male. I've seen this happen myself and it's not pretty. Do they need poor aeration? I'm slightly set back by this question. Bettas prefer to have little...
  23. VaegaVic

    Green Alge

    and how long are the lights on for a day, please, this is the most important question, answer it this time.
  24. VaegaVic

    Platy Questions

    Semi-true, they can have a dominant male etc, but it's generally just watch them and see any bullies. Normally it's just everyone's the same. You can tell if they're pregnant as they swell up like a balloon and then babies come out. Chances are if you've got a male and a female, she's already...
  25. VaegaVic

    Can Platies Have Swords?

    Late blooming swordtail, this topic has been covered many times before and just recently, 2 days ago.
  26. VaegaVic

    Green Alge

    Ok, I'll directly ask the questions then. How long are your lights on for per a day? Do you have any live plants? What fish do you have? How old is your tank? When changing the water, do you use a gravel siphon? Do you have gravel or sand? Is the gravel deep or shallow?
  27. VaegaVic

    Apisto Viejita Or Macmasteri

    Woops, my bad, went to vote and ended up posting. There you go, all done.
  28. VaegaVic

    Green Alge

    Long light time. Waste between the gravel. Over stocked tank. Lack of water changes. No live plants. Take your pick, we do need more information though.
  29. VaegaVic

    Apisto Viejita Or Macmasteri

    For me, it's macmasteri. Reason being is the tail shape, I always thought Viejita had rounder tails as opposed to the pointed ones yours have. Of course, I'm not a dwarf specialist, hopefully someone who is will come along.
  30. VaegaVic

    Adding Fish

    Hi there, You seem to have the right idea in stocking fish that need to have large groups, so kudo's on that. You could add the fish all in one go, but the problem you'll have is that currently you have no idea how much bacteria you have in there. All you know is that you have 5ppm worth, which...
  31. VaegaVic

    Any Fish Ideas Welcome

    Cherry shrimp might be your best bet, but due to their size they will most likely become fish food. Perhaps Amano shrimp might take your fancy in that case. It's not fish friendly shrimp you're after, it's shrimp friendly fish you need lol. In terms of shoalers, the smaller the better, neons...
  32. VaegaVic

    Blue Lobsters & Rainbow Crab

    Crayfish and Crabs are best in species tanks only. Some people will disagree, but at the end of the day, they are BEST in species tanks. And a Merry Christmas to you to! :D
  33. VaegaVic

    Male Cherry Barbs In Community ?

    Not really, not unless you have ALL long finned fish.
  34. VaegaVic


    Haha, my bad, forgot we were talking about platies when I wrote that.
  35. VaegaVic

    Culling Guppies?

    No, you missed the point. Not infections, but genetic deformities that could create an entire deformed generation.
  36. VaegaVic

    Culling Guppies?

    The problem we have in this instance is with livebearers, which as we all know, are one of the quickest and most productively bred fish. Breeding from a deformed fish could have unknown consequences, we don't know if the young will be deformed themselves, have other health issues or be perfectly...
  37. VaegaVic


    0 ammonia 0 NitrIte 0-20 NitrAte ph 6.5 - 7.5 Hard Water The usual, babies are surprisingly tough, but just don't give them toxic water.
  38. VaegaVic

    Less Activity

    Thank #33### someone else noticed. I thought I was going mad!
  39. VaegaVic

    Centrepiece Fish

    Say whaaa?