Less Activity


Fish Addict
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,
Is it just me or is there a big decrease on the activity on this form, theres doesnt seem to be as much topics, replies, and its usualy the same members posting. Where is everyone.....
Hey guys,
Is it just me or is there a big decrease on the activity on this form, theres doesnt seem to be as much topics, replies, and its usualy the same members posting. Where is everyone.....

Thank #33### someone else noticed.

I thought I was going mad!
Yep its strange, especially as its Saturday, the forum seems to get more members online during weekdays. :unsure:
Yh i agree aswell, maby because its Christmas people are wrapping prezzies on there evenings :lol:
I also noticed over the past month or so in particular, the forum has gone quite quiet.

Im sure it will pick up in the new year :good:

It's traditionally slower before the holidays, picks up in January. Most everyone is busy planning & attending parties & various functions, many travel to visit relatives, which means hobby forums in general slow down. Many are also spending their online time shopping before the holidays, which leaves less time for forums such as this.
Well I think I've only been here for a month so I have nothing to judge it upon. (Just thought I throw my 2 cents in)
yeah i totally agree. we have like 55,000 members and only like 250 are doing something on the forums every 15 mins
Just wait til everyone get their fish tanks for Christmas!

I always find the most activity is on Sunday evening.

Some sections of the forum are tripling in traffic, than a year ago. The planted section is enjoying things getting busy again.
I too thought it was quiet on the forum over the last few days, I wondered if it was my deodorant :look: :lol:

I should imagine it`ll get busier after Christmas when people have got new tanks that they need help with :nod:
its sunday evening (for you brits) but i dont see any more than 60 users more than this morning.
ive seen a lot of newbies joining, asking a question and then permanently leaving. i was about to do that but then i had another question :lol:
As to be expected, as a certain part of this morning, only 7 members were online :unsure: :rolleyes:

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