Blue Lobsters & Rainbow Crab


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2010
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Hello, please answer my simple question:

Can blue lobsters & rainbow crabs live together?

and what else could they live with - like would zebra danioes be able to live with them because they are quick?

thankyou :) Merry christmas :)
Hello, please answer my simple question:

Can blue lobsters & rainbow crabs live together?

and what else could they live with - like would zebra danioes be able to live with them because they are quick?

thankyou :) Merry christmas :)

Crayfish and Crabs are best in species tanks only.

Some people will disagree, but at the end of the day, they are BEST in species tanks.

And a Merry Christmas to you to! :D
Hello, please answer my simple question:

Can blue lobsters & rainbow crabs live together?

and what else could they live with - like would zebra danioes be able to live with them because they are quick?

thankyou :) Merry christmas :)

Crayfish and Crabs are best in species tanks only.

Some people will disagree, but at the end of the day, they are BEST in species tanks.

And a Merry Christmas to you to! :D
Hello, please answer my simple question:

Can blue lobsters & rainbow crabs live together?

and what else could they live with - like would zebra danioes be able to live with them because they are quick?

thankyou :) Merry christmas :)
rainbow crab cant live with anything else. but your main problem is enviroment. Crayfish live an aquatic life. Rainbow crabs are a land critters. sure they need water, but only a bit. most of a rainbow crab tank should be dry land. totally incompatible.

Hello, please answer my simple question:

Can blue lobsters & rainbow crabs live together?

and what else could they live with - like would zebra danioes be able to live with them because they are quick?

thankyou :) Merry christmas :)

Crayfish and Crabs are best in species tanks only.

Some people will disagree, but at the end of the day, they are BEST in species tanks.

And a Merry Christmas to you to! :D

safest in a species tank, as opposed to with fish, but by no means best. Redcalaw crabs and Redclaw cray, live fine together. the crab needs brackish water, and the Redclaw cray do fine in 5ppt. problem is, again, environment. you need a massive tank to give 20 gallons of water for the cray and enough dry land for the crabs.
Just splitting hairs there to be honest.

yeah, its a pain when people who actually, have or do keep them, give advice, isn't it? they tend to have that horrible thing called, experience, don't they?
come on guys, lets keep this on track. It's an interesting subject, let's not ruin this.

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