Any Body Buy Bloodworm Pellet?


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have received my fish food order today, I ordered some bloodworm pellet from a different supplier because I noticed on my last batch some sharp bristles sticking out of the pellet, I pulled a couple out and they are like toothbrush bristles. The bloodworm pellet I have received today has the same things sticking out. I dont know whether this is normal and I have just never noticed before, or there is something wrong with both batches?
It's not something I've ever heard of, although to be honest, I've never bought bloodworm pellets.

Perhaps contact the suppliers and see if you get differing answers?
I have already contacted the supplier, just awaiting their reply.
Sorry, my reply wasnt meant snotty, but reading it again now it could be taken that way. :blush:
Haha, no worries, I didn't take it as so.

I hope they get back to you with a decent explanation.

Imagine if Chops ate one of those bristles, I can't imagine his stomach would deal with it well.
Its whats worrying me to be honest, all the fish have been eating it, typical I am about halfway down a 900g bag of it before I felt one of these sharp bits, thankfully no one has become ill.
Its whats worrying me to be honest, all the fish have been eating it, typical I am about halfway down a 900g bag of it before I felt one of these sharp bits, thankfully no one has become ill.
I've been using freeze dried bloodworm pellets for 15 months and never noticed any bristles. Seems odd to me, esp since you found it in 2 batches from different suppliers. I bought mine on Ebay, which suppliers did you get yours from?

Got me worried now and I will have to check mine tomorrow. I give them as treats to all my fish cold and tropical and feed them daily to the axolotyl too.
Keep us informed of the outcome.
One supplier has got back to me, there was a problem with manufacturing aparently, so if you buy bloodworm pellet off Ebay check for small bristles. I bought mine loose from 2 different suppliers and both had these bristles in.

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