

New Member
Dec 10, 2010
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All my 12 platy fry died! Why? I had them in a seperate tank, with a heater, i did 2 day water changes, and i fed them crushed flake food.

What happened!
Poor stock?
One died from natural causes - ammonia - another dies - more ammonia - mass wipe out.

just a possibility.
Poor stock?
One died from natural causes - ammonia - another dies - more ammonia - mass wipe out.

just a possibility.

Maybe, but i don't think it was ammonia. It was a 5 gallon tank for 10 small (like 2 cm) fishes. :no:
can you test your water? are they kept with the parents? were they being fed enough? babies are demanding.
95% of sudden fish deaths are Down to poor water quality due to incorrect feeding and over feeding and incorrect water changes.
I agree with fish48,its more than likely down to poor water quality,its surprising how ammonia/nitrite can build in a fry tank unless you keep on top of it.

Sorry to hear of your losses.
You will learn from your mistakes in fishkeeping, its one of those hobbies you learn as you go along. And with time it gets much better. :good:
Was there a filter in the tank? Fry are much more sensitive to water quality than their adult counterparts, they really need to be in a heated tank with a mature filter running 24/7.
Much as I hate to do so, I must agree with others here who have given you advice about thinking in terms of aquarium water quality. I have lots of fry in my tanks and find that I lose very few fry when I can keep the fry with the adults. What that means to me is that the water quality that I rely on for my adults works fine for my fry. In the long run, I find that fry are often not given the attention that they deserve. What many amateur breeders end up doing is to ignore water quality for their fry. By doing so, they allow their fry to be exposed to water qualities that they would never accept with their adults. If each of us is solidly attentive to water quality and can assure that all fish, including fry, are exposed to nothing but the best water qualities, we can expect high survival rates.
i hope i am not hijacking the thread here, but i was wondering what the water parameters should be (im expecting babies soon) ?
i hope i am not hijacking the thread here, but i was wondering what the water parameters should be (im expecting babies soon) ?

0 ammonia
0 NitrIte
0-20 NitrAte
ph 6.5 - 7.5

Hard Water

The usual, babies are surprisingly tough, but just don't give them toxic water.
Not a bad all around listing Vaega, but I will suggest that most people here are more interested in common livebearers than fish in general. For common livebearers, the pH should be higher than in your listing. I would suggest that a pH of 7.0 to 8.0 is more appropriate for most common livebearers. The 6.5 number should be reserved to the South American fish from the Amazon basin and similar environments. Very few common livebearers are found in such waters.
Not a bad all around listing Vaega, but I will suggest that most people here are more interested in common livebearers than fish in general. For common livebearers, the pH should be higher than in your listing. I would suggest that a pH of 7.0 to 8.0 is more appropriate for most common livebearers. The 6.5 number should be reserved to the South American fish from the Amazon basin and similar environments. Very few common livebearers are found in such waters.

Haha, my bad, forgot we were talking about platies when I wrote that.

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