Will 3 Line Shoal With Julli ?


Fish Herder
Sep 27, 2010
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i have 2 3 line cories, and one of my lfs' claims to have jullis in. i cant tell the difference, and obviously id rather have 3 lines anyway. but if they did turn out to be julli, would they shoal, as thats the point of me buying more. im guessing not, but though id ask.
Most likely not in the traditional sense.
They would be glad for the company, but probably wouldn't actually shoal with them in the same way they would with their own species.
do you mean happy for company as inothe cories ? i also have 3 sterbai and 2 aggassizi in the tank. i plan on going to the shop later to get another 2 aggassizi, a sterbai and possibly the 2 'julli'. what i really want though is 3 lines, hence the question.

so i could either have 4 sterbai - 4 agg. - 2/4 tri. /julli

or i could instead buy another 4 sterbai. id rather the first option though.
I think personally, if there not the fish I wanted, I wouldn't bother buying them.

Go with what fish you want, buy some corys for the other groups and if they don't have tri's, ask if they can order them in for you.
True julii are quite rare and would be expensive if they did have some,they look different to three line (trilineatus in their markings,true julii's have mainly spots all over instead of squiggly lines.

Trilineatus are often mis-sold has julii corys...
cheers, i think if they're squiggly as apposed to spotty i'll go for them.
well i just went and got 2 agg. and the 2 'julli', definitely squiggly little tri's though. now to another shop to hopefully pick up a mate for my apisto.
I have 2 agasizzis and wasn't able to buy more, so I added 4 panda's and even though the panda's are smaller, they are very happy with the company. My agasizzis go all over the place with the pandas and are much more outgoing than they were before.

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