Green Alge


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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my tank suffers a lot with green alge all over my rocks and bedding is there any reason for this
Long light time.
Waste between the gravel.
Over stocked tank.
Lack of water changes.
No live plants.

Take your pick, we do need more information though.
my tank is 95ltr i have 16 fish in there i change water every week 20%
Ok, I'll directly ask the questions then.

How long are your lights on for per a day?
Do you have any live plants?
What fish do you have?
How old is your tank?
When changing the water, do you use a gravel siphon?
Do you have gravel or sand?
Is the gravel deep or shallow?
had my tank 12 months now i haave guppies and neons in there i use a gravel sypon and its bout 1" deep no live plants has they keep dying
and how long are the lights on for a day, please, this is the most important question, answer it this time.
There we are, there's your problem.

All your light is going directly to your algae as you have no live plants.

Best thing to do is make sure your lights are only on when looking at the tank, otherwise there's no need and you'll just keep getting algae.

Put it this way, even with Live plants in a tank, it's only recommended to have a photo-period of 8-9 hours a day.
You have no live plants and have a photo-period of 11 hours.

Turn off your lights or face the wrath of algae I'm afraid.
thanks will get some live plants in there and turn off the lights and have them on just for 7hrs is this why the plants dye to
Possibly, it could also be the plants you buy aren't suited to your needs.
Generally try to go with deep green plants as these are the hardiest and need the least light, meaning they will grow quicker with more.
Floating plants are also good to have as they block out light for algae.

Duckweed might be your friend in this instance, do a bit of research on it.
It's not been mentioned but is your tank in direct sunlight? As in next to a window?


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