Adding Fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Near Croydon UK
Hi all
I have had double zeros in my 215l Aqua One AR980 for 3 days now, and have some questions about adding fish at the end. (I am doing a down to gravel water change today to clear the nitrates)
I have 6 golden barbs, 4 xray tetras, and a single harlequin rasboro ATM. I want to add 6 more gold barbs, 4 more tetras, and 5 more rasboros, to keep them all company, and when money allows, 5 lake Kutubu rainbows, and when matured, a BN.
My question is, as the existing fish nowhere near fill the new tank to capacity, should I add their little tank mates too (not the BN or rainbows)to stop the bacs that I have spent 5 weeks culturing from dying off? I know that when I add the rainbows, and the BN I will be almost to capacity. Would you add all 5 rainbows at once, when I can afford them?-who knows-Santa might bring me some fish money, I have been good ;-)
Thanks in advance, and sorry for all the questions!
Carole x
Hi all
I have had double zeros in my 215l Aqua One AR980 for 3 days now, and have some questions about adding fish at the end. (I am doing a down to gravel water change today to clear the nitrates)
I have 6 golden barbs, 4 xray tetras, and a single harlequin rasboro ATM. I want to add 6 more gold barbs, 4 more tetras, and 5 more rasboros, to keep them all company, and when money allows, 5 lake Kutubu rainbows, and when matured, a BN.
My question is, as the existing fish nowhere near fill the new tank to capacity, should I add their little tank mates too (not the BN or rainbows)to stop the bacs that I have spent 5 weeks culturing from dying off? I know that when I add the rainbows, and the BN I will be almost to capacity. Would you add all 5 rainbows at once, when I can afford them?-who knows-Santa might bring me some fish money, I have been good ;-)
Thanks in advance, and sorry for all the questions!
Carole x

Hi there,
You seem to have the right idea in stocking fish that need to have large groups, so kudo's on that.
You could add the fish all in one go, but the problem you'll have is that currently you have no idea how much bacteria you have in there. All you know is that you have 5ppm worth, which means nothing in terms of fish stocking.
Best to take it slowly, bacteria can double in 24 hours, so even though you are effectively doubling each group of fish, you should be fine.

I would personally add the existing fish, give it a week, add a new group, check water, give it a week, add a new group and rinse and repeat.
It may be the slower way of doing things, but it's much safer and much more fun (you get to go to the shop every week!).

Hi there,
You seem to have the right idea in stocking fish that need to have large groups, so kudo's on that.
You could add the fish all in one go, but the problem you'll have is that currently you have no idea how much bacteria you have in there. All you know is that you have 5ppm worth, which means nothing in terms of fish stocking.
Best to take it slowly, bacteria can double in 24 hours, so even though you are effectively doubling each group of fish, you should be fine.

I would personally add the existing fish, give it a week, add a new group, check water, give it a week, add a new group and rinse and repeat.
It may be the slower way of doing things, but it's much safer and much more fun (you get to go to the shop every week!).
Thanks for your reply-sounds like a good plan! (Especially the bit about going to the shop every week!!!)

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