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  1. groupiekilla06

    My Bettas Tail Is Starting To Shred.

    No, epsom salt isn't the same as freshwater aquarium salt. Aquarium salt is pretty cheap though usually but you could substitute it with rock salt (the kind you'd use to make home-made ice cream, not to melt ice on the roads)
  2. groupiekilla06

    My Bettas Tail Is Starting To Shred.

    Is the glass in the back always reflective like that? I noticed my tail biters got better when they weren't near reflective surfaces. I couldn't just move them to new tanks obviously so I cut plastic canvas to cover the back wall of the tank (on the inside of course) and they improved...
  3. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    The plants have been soaking in the anti-fungal for 1 week now. I will emptying the tank and refilling it after I sterilize it and then maybe to be super safe I'll buy some rosy barbs to inhabit the tank for a few weeks. Then if they live and are okay they can go in my community tank with my...
  4. groupiekilla06

    New Betta!

    My hubby just threatened to take the 40 gallon tank I just bought and make it a kingdom for HIS betta. He says he's not obsessed but I don't believe him.
  5. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    What if I used an overdose of chlorine? Like by using pool chlorine and then an overdose of dechlor?? Would it harm the plants at all?
  6. groupiekilla06

    Pk X Drct Spawn

    If you're gonna call her petrol you might as well just call her expensive LOL! Beautiful pair! I love CTPKs ever since I saw them a few months ago. I think the genetics behind a CTPK dictate that you won't get pure CTPKS from a PK and CT until the 3rd generation.
  7. groupiekilla06

    Flash Is Gone.... :( Cam Made It!

    I feel your pain! I just lost my first and oldest (3yrs old) betta on sunday. It really hurts but it helps to look at pics of them when they were young and healthy or to talk about them with people who understand. I'm lucky that my hubby, while he doesn't get my betta addiction, is there to...
  8. groupiekilla06

    Do Bettas Make A Noise? Update - Yes!

    My bettas usually only make sounds during feeding time. They make crushing, chomping, and general splashing sounds. You can literally hear some of them snap their jaws together. A couple of mine bite hard too.
  9. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    What brand and where is the best place to look for it?
  10. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    Well its over. Three days of treatment but all four died. R.I.P Megamouth, Titan, blue boy, and Big Red. Um, does anybody know how I would go about disinfecting the tank? I am soaking the stuff like nets, airstone, heater, and cups in a 3 gallon bucket with concentrated dose of Fungus Clear...
  11. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    Well a bit of good news and another bit of bad news. Whirlpool, my boy who had pine-coned scales is feeling and looking 90% better. His fins are regrowing from his tail-biting ways, his scales have flattened, he's back to swimming normally and floating and sinking just fine. I'm amazed. The...
  12. groupiekilla06

    Please Help!

    Sorry, no stats. I did a 30% water change and added Fungus Clear by Jungle. I lost two boys between 2 am and 12 pm today. My oldest male betta and also my disabled boy. It all happened so fast. The other two seem to be fighting the columnaris (pretty sure this is what they have) better than the...
  13. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    Thank you. I am hoping to save my SD Big Red who is in the same barracks yet hasn't shown any signs of disease as of yet. I am treating with Fungus Clear, some salt, and an bubble stone. I've successfully treated columnaris before but I've never had such an aggressive onset of it. It all...
  14. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    Whatever it was just killed my oldest and first betta Megamouth and my disabled boy Titan. The other two that were in the barrack are Big Red and the no name VT who I suspect brought the disease with him. I went out and bought Jungle Fungus Clear tablets and am treating the whole tank right...
  15. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    The first guy is clamping his fins. He has a white fungus-looking growth along his body where his anal fin meets his body. The second boy's patch is also along where his anal fin meets his body, the patch looks less like fungus and more like a burn, but he is nowhere near the heater. The...
  16. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please?

    Okay so I have two sick males. It all started when we rescued a blue VT from a Tetra tank at Pets Supplies Plus because the fish guy wouldn't remove him and put him in another tank. Other than having short fins from being bitten and nipped, he was fine: Well I put him in one of my barracks...
  17. groupiekilla06

    Please Help!

    Okay so I have two sick males. It all started when we rescued a blue VT from a Tetra tank at Pets Supplies Plus because the fish guy wouldn't remove him and put him in another tank. Other than having short fins from being bitten and nipped, he was fine: Well I put him in one of my barracks...
  18. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    I've been researching for almost a year but didn't get the fish until 2 months ago. I have a young Combtail that I got 1 month ago. Would it be better to try him? And if so what tail types would I get? This is him: This is the CT Male I want to use: Update: I put her back in the hurricane...
  19. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    Hmm...yeah I got a great nest builder. Maybe I should switch the males and put the female in the chimney...or just scoop out some of his nest and put it in the breeding tank. I'll give it go :)
  20. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    Yeah its been there for a few days. He built a nest under it and then forgot about it.
  21. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    No neither of them have tried to bite. No ripped fins on either. Scales are all intact too.
  22. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    Okay so she's been in the tank with him since yesterday morning. He stopped tending the bubblenest when I let her out yesterday and hasn't built a new one. Is he not ready? Should I separate her again until he rebuilds a nest? What signs should I look for to tell me that he is ready?
  23. groupiekilla06

    Hows This Tank?

    My whole argument is that most people either don't want to or don't have the time to do as many water changes as is necessary to keep the ammonia levels at 0 ppm in a one gallon tank. Thus a 2 gallon tank gives you more leeway and stability than a 1 gallon tank.
  24. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    They seem to be getting it together now. Less flaring, less chasing, and more dancing side by side. I'm excited because this is my first betta spawning :D
  25. groupiekilla06

    Tankmate Options

    Plus the fact that the Cichlids need more room than a 14 gallon tank can offer for setting up territories, mating, etc. Have you considered a school of Zebra Danios or White Cloud Mountain Minnows? I would say no to any gouramies because they would be sharing "breathing space" with the betta...
  26. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    Thanks! The hatcher came with a box of misc. fish stuff I bought for $3 at a yard sale yesterday. So no, no instructions came with any of the stuff. There were also cool filters from the 70's in there and a couple copies of Tropical Fish Hobbyist from 1969 and 1970. Pretty good deal for $3!
  27. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    *Bump* Anybody???
  28. groupiekilla06

    Can I Have A Betta In My Tank?

    Maybe the neon will survive on its own but will it thrive??? If you can't give them at least the bare minimum of a group of six then you should take them back. Just because they look good doesn't mean they are suitable. Plus the fact that tetras are notorious fin-nippers won't help your betta's...
  29. groupiekilla06

    Hows This Tank?

    The problem with small tanks is that they are harder to heat and even harder to keep clean. You would have to find a way to heat the tank if the ambient temps weren't in the 76-82 temp zone. Then you would have to do 100% water changes every 2-3 days. With a bigger tank like a 2.5 gallon you...
  30. groupiekilla06

    Help With Breeding!

    I've been researching breeding bettas for almost a year now and finally decided to breed my double ray CT bettas. I conditioned for two weeks on bbs, high protein flakes, bloodworms, and frozen krill. They have spent the last two days together but still no wrapping. Herein lies the problem...
  31. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please!

    Well they're here but I have bad new and good news. The good news is they are alive, the bad news is they are pretty stressed and it looks like Big Red either has fin rot or chewed his fins really well. He's looking like a pretty ragged VT right now. PK seems to have a growth on his head and...
  32. groupiekilla06

    New To Bettas

    If you want to have tank mates in with a male betta you can. You would have to get at least a 10 gallon tank though. Betta's do need a heater and in a 10 gallon tank you will need some kind of filter and you will have to cycle your tank. For a betta and just a few friends then you could probably...
  33. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please!

    Well see I was adopting them from a friend who lives about an hour away from me and I figured it would cost less to ship than it would to drive with gas the way it is. She told me she got the money and that she was shipping them wednesday. I have no reason to think she lied since she HAD to get...
  34. groupiekilla06

    Help! Please!

    How many days can a betta live when being shipped in a bag? I'm not sure on the specifics on how they were bundled but lets just say they had 3/4 air 1/4 water. Will they be okay or not? The temperature outside has been steady and they are insulated. I am bawling my eyes out because the post...
  35. groupiekilla06

    Venture Into Betta Land

    I've heard of people keeping them with bottom feeders such as corydoras or otocinclus. I've also heard of them being kept with zebra danios. You wanna stay away from barbs and tetras as they do tend to become fin nippers and will nip at your betta's flowy fins.
  36. groupiekilla06

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    I might as well weigh in LOL: Me and my hubby: Me and some good friends, I'm at the bottom LOL: Me and my twin sis doing our thing (I'm on vocals, she's on bass):
  37. groupiekilla06

    I Was Just Wondering One Day

    I think a gourami or two would be okay with a betta but only if the betta was pretty laid back and the tank had plenty of surface area so they wouldn't fight over control of the surface air. Since gourami and bettas are both air breathers, in a small tank you could very well have a territory war.
  38. groupiekilla06

    Does Anyone Know Of This Tail Type?

    Are you looking for a CT or a feather tail female? I got a double ray CT Female that I may be willing to possibly part with.
  39. groupiekilla06

    My Male Betta Community!

    A guy on another forum decided to do just that. His "logical reasoning" behind it was that male bettas only fight when people force them to. I'm still pretty mad about it because he posted a link to his pics and ALL the bettas' fins were shredded badly. I can't believe someone would actually DO...
  40. groupiekilla06

    My New Ct Girl

    No better settings unfortunately but I'll try to get some with my sis's camera and see how it goes.