Please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
Okay so I have two sick males.

It all started when we rescued a blue VT from a Tetra tank at Pets Supplies Plus because the fish guy wouldn't remove him and put him in another tank. Other than having short fins from being bitten and nipped, he was fine:


Well I put him in one of my barracks for about 30 minutes while I scrubbed and cleaned his other tank for him. Now, 3 days after we bought him, this is what he looks like:


The blue VT is in a 7 gallon isolation tank with 1 tbsp of salt per 5 gallons.

Well now my oldest and first betta Megamouth is looking very sick. He has a grayish patch on his side, his anal fin is literally melting off, he won't eat, he's gasping for air, and he's got a growth over his "nostril" area.



With Megamouth I just saw that he wasn't acting like himself last nite, early this morning. He was nose down in his Java moss and not moving. I tapped the tank fearing he was dead and he shot up to the surface and stayed there. I got him out of the barracks and into a 1 gallon hospital tank with 1/2 tsp of aquarium salt.

PLEASE! I need to know what it is and how to treat it. I'm afraid they aren't gonna make it and I'm gonna have to euthanize another of my boys as it is since he has dropsy. If I can save these guys, please tell me how!!
You're probibly dealing with bacteria. What meds? pass, you are in the US I believe, and I have no idea as to what is available over there. You need to move quickly, as the bacteria will too :sad: The salt should have some effect, but by the sound of things it is only acting to slow it down; that is unless you have salt in normaly? If salt is added usualy, this in itself could be adding to the issue. Untill you can get meds, you need to to regular waterchanges to try and keep the tank as clean as possible.

Can you post your current water stats for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH please.

Best of luck
Sorry, no stats. I did a 30% water change and added Fungus Clear by Jungle. I lost two boys between 2 am and 12 pm today. My oldest male betta and also my disabled boy. It all happened so fast.

The other two seem to be fighting the columnaris (pretty sure this is what they have) better than the ones that passed. I'm being very very careful with my aquarium supplies and soaking everything in a very strong salt solution overnight.

I will keep you posted, thanks.

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