Tankmate Options


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Alabama ♥
I tired posting in the Tropical Discussions, but was sent back here anyway. So I guess I might as well go on and make this post and get it over with.

`Kay. As you guys (hopefully) know, I've got my betta in a 14 gallon tank with a bulldog pleco and an apple snail. (Er, make that two apple snails, but one is sort of really tiny and hitch-hiked on a plant, so.) Cycled. Filtered, heated; gravel substrate. Live plants. Enough algae to feed a small army of ottos.

My betta is really, really calm. Every once in a while he flares at the snail, but never actually does anything other than flare. He's all bark and no bite. I think he'd be okay with pretty much any fish as long as it's not a fin-nipper.

I don't want tetras, or corys. I'm also going to add 3-4 ottos since my pleco isn't keeping up with algae control.

What people have suggested to finish off the tank:

Pair of German Blue Rams.
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids.

I'd like to know your opinions on:

Dwarf Gouramis.

Would African Dwarf Frogs along with the ottos and pleco crowd the bottom level?

And I'm open to all suggestions, of course. :)
cant answer most of your questions unfortunately, but I have a betta in a community tank and all seems peaceful enough :) it's living with 12 neon tetra, 10 glowlight tetra, and 6 corys, and they all get along fine! (my betta was young when I got him, and he joined the tank the same time as everyone else, so that might have made a difference in his behaviour)

I also have ADF's - great things, really fun to watch (for hours at a time!!), but I wouldn't put them with the cory's again (dont know about other bottom-feeders though). the cory's didnt seem to notice them, and would look for food on the frogs backs - made the frogs jump quite a bit, and dont think they particularly liked it! I've got the frogs separated now, divided the tank into a 25L/80L, and the frogs seem a lot more active/happier now than they were! as for the betta with the ADFs, I dont think they even really noticed they were in the same tank as each other ;)
bettas generally don't bother ottos so they shouldn't be a problem, not sure on the others although it is said not to keep them with gourami
I dont know if i am right, but i think i read somewhere that male rams can be very territorial when breeding. If thats the case then maybe 2 females would be ok? Worth checking with someone who's had rams :good:
I wouldn't do the rams or the cockatoos, they are cichlids and as such may nip your bettas fins. Also if they breed, watch out, your betta won't stand a chance!
Plus the fact that the Cichlids need more room than a 14 gallon tank can offer for setting up territories, mating, etc. Have you considered a school of Zebra Danios or White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

I would say no to any gouramies because they would be sharing "breathing space" with the betta and that may pose a problem territory-wise also. Killifish may be an option but most species are top dwellers so you'd e having the same territory issues as if you had the gourami.

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