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  1. StarChildren

    Next Two Pairs

    well, doesn't look like we'll be having babies anytime soon. the females stay in a corner and the males stay in a corner at the other side (not building bubblenests and letting the previous ones go). lost another girl in my female tank, found her laying on the bottom of the tank this...
  2. StarChildren

    The Girls!

    very nice looking lady's you got there :good:
  3. StarChildren

    It's A Sad Day Today

    you did the best you could, and chose not to let him suffer. hard choice to make! sorry to hear about your loss!
  4. StarChildren

    I Got Him!

    if they look anything like him, definitely babies from that man! he is gorgeous
  5. StarChildren

    I Lost Ozzy

    he was a very beautiful man! sorry to hear about the loss!
  6. StarChildren

    Next Two Pairs spawning as of yet. but there getting along. seems that with my second pair, isis destroyed his nest and continues to hid in a corner and he leaves her alone (but has not built another nest). with my first pair, zoom is keeping his nest up and cleopatra is sitting near it while he sits...
  7. StarChildren

    New Spawn

    how do you get such clear photos? amazing... and congrats with the babies!
  8. StarChildren

    Sad News :(

    sorry to hear that!
  9. StarChildren

    Next Two Pairs

    probably would, but what can I say, i like to try the "not so normal" crosses. the second pair were actually being sold together and are both pastel in color (doesn't show in the photo) so they're a pretty good match. as for the first pair, i wanted to see if i'd get any with her coloring and...
  10. StarChildren

    Would Love To Try Breeding

    good luck with it!
  11. StarChildren

    Next Two Pairs

    after the loss of my most recent breeding attempt, i have decided to try two pairs at once. my water got all out of wack while i was gone and the babies didn't make it. so while i have time to stay at home and keep a closer eye on the water i decided to try two different pairs. the first pair...
  12. StarChildren

    Would Love To Try Breeding

    it can be frustrating as well, but go for it!
  13. StarChildren

    Saucy Girl Or...?

    the white dot is between the two front fins that hang down from like her chin and the fine that goes back along her underside. its where i think the eggs come from. and the extra flap of skin, when a male flares up its like theres a piece of skin that comes out from under his gills. this is a...
  14. untitled.JPG


  15. StarChildren

    Saucy Girl Or...?

    well...i guess the common questions to ask would be, the white spot on her belly? (between the anal fin and the ventral fins) and does she have that extra flap of skin that comes out when she flares like the males?
  16. StarChildren

    Swim Bladder

    his color is fine, not bloated either, even with as much as he eats. i just remember reading somewhere that laying on the bottom and not being that active but still eating and all that were signs of swim bladder. my mom said he was playing possum with the cae cuz he gave up on trying to go after...
  17. StarChildren


    that's good to hear. sounds like the courting process has started for ya
  18. StarChildren


    i've never used it, i don't even know what it's for really. if it says it's for fin damage, i'd take them out of the spawning tank and medicate them in a separate tanks/jars away from each other, the breeding tank, and other fish.
  19. StarChildren


    in my 2 gallon - 2.5g i usually put like 2 or 3 grains in there (kernels). in my ten gallon i put two (small ones) in for each fish i have in there, so i have 4 i put about 6-8 and its filtered in the 10g.
  20. StarChildren


    aquarium salt, i've heard, is just the same as sea salt. I use sea salt, a little bit, with mine and it seems to help with the torn fins they get.
  21. StarChildren

    Flaring Betta

    it could be because of his reflection. one of my males was obsessed with himself for a while when he would see his reflection, got over it after a while, still does it from time to time tho. i don't think there's anything to worry about with flaring.
  22. StarChildren

    Lookie What I'm Getting!

    beautiful! that sums it up... :drool:
  23. StarChildren

    Swim Bladder

    my son's guy, zoom, is acting a little funny. he will sit at the bottom of the tank, lay on one of the plants or rocks, or lay on the heater near the top so he just has to lift his head to get air. I haven't seen him poop. when i feed him, he eats like a horse, like normal. off and on throughout...
  24. StarChildren

    New Betta!

    i'd say steel blue, but then again I am not an expert on colors. very nice looking boy tho!
  25. StarChildren

    You Guys Will Never Believe This!

    congrats! :good:
  26. StarChildren

    Breeding Problems

    when i had my first female and first male together, she would destroy his nest over and over again, it drove me nuts, probably as much as it did the male. thats normal. i would think, since the male only had his ego hurt, that it would be ok to put another female in there...but i am not sure.
  27. StarChildren

    Hmpk X Hm

    we have's some photos i got this morning, they're tiny. i circled the babies (maybe a bubble or two as well, but as i'm sure we all know, it's hard to photograph just hatched babies). :D osiris is being a good daddy, so far (fingers crossed). :unsure: and here is some video i...
  28. StarChildren

    Afia Has Finally Passed On

    sorry for your loss :sad:
  29. StarChildren

    I Forgot What Type Plants For Betta's?

    i wouldn't know. will have to wait and see what some more experienced ppl say on here... i would take a wild guess and say no just because of the word shark in the name, but thats just a guess.
  30. StarChildren

    I Forgot What Type Plants For Betta's?

    chinese algae eaters seem to do ok with my males, i have one in with each male in his tank. and i have one algae eater and one otocinclus catfish in with 4 females. oh and i have an apple snail in with my male zoom, besides the chinese algae eater, but they poop A LOT and it needs cleaning more...
  31. StarChildren

    Betta Feeding Habits

    you could i guess. i normally only give mine live if i am conditioning them for breeding or as a treat once in a while. you could also just try letting him settle in for a few days, it could just be that he's in a new place.
  32. StarChildren

    Betta Feeding Habits

    what kind of food are you feeding him? you might want to ask the pet store or lfs you got him at what they fed him and then get some of that. mine spit up food too, specially when they're just settling in to a new environment.
  33. StarChildren

    I Forgot What Type Plants For Betta's?

    java fern also i have noticed my girls like. it's also really easy to care for. the lady at petsmart said there lights were out for 2-3 days and the java fern is the only one that didn't die. and its not a deep rooting plant, so it will pretty much take hold of anything, and it has babies that...
  34. StarChildren

    5 New Female Bettas

    isn't that the truth! :blink: i think its inevitable that we get bitten by the betta bug once we have one.
  35. StarChildren

    Better Betta Pictures Using Macro

    nice photos! practice makes perfect, even with taking photos. that one you got of simba turned out real nice! :good:
  36. StarChildren

    Hmpk X Hm

    ok, just an update. this pair was starting to go different then my other. she was getting really bloated n stripy already. both of them were still eating when i fed them, but she was still getting to show a lot of readiness to breed. so i stuck her in with another female to give her some cool...
  37. StarChildren

    5 New Female Bettas

    congrats on the new babies. when do we get to see pics?
  38. StarChildren

    My First Betta

    pretty boy
  39. StarChildren

    They Came Today!

    so are you gonna condition them all, or who gets to go first?
  40. StarChildren

    Hmpk X Hm

    he has all types of colors in him. kind of a bf look to him. white on the ends of all his fins, with purple n blue n red (there all pastel shades but still distinctly visible). and the girl is a beautiful turquoise color when the light hits her just right. i started conditioning mine today cuz...