5 New Female Bettas


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
i got 5female VT bettas

Heres the first one!

Second one!

Third one!
well my camera doesnt take good pics.... its only 6megapixel i gotta get a 12! but yeah. lol

yeah i got the betta bug for the last week every day ive looke dat pet stores. And the first day i bought 2male VT's second day 1 CT third day another CT fourth day nothing sadly. fifth day 3females. sixth day 2females. seventh day 20gallon aqaurium
Once the betta bug bites resistence is futile

Now say it with me "Hello my name is SmileyFace1337 and I'm a bettaholic"
Once the betta bug bites resistence is futile

Now say it with me "Hello my name is SmileyFace1337 and I'm a bettaholic"

isn't that the truth! :blink: i think its inevitable that we get bitten by the betta bug once we have one.
I like that very much, i really am getting to like these bettas now :)
wow her colours are so vibrant!! that cant be natural! it looks dyded..can you dye betta?

if thats natural, is a very nice vibrant shade

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