Lookie What I'm Getting!


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
My Bettas House In New York
I Just bid on these guys so hopefully I get them! Fingers Crossed!!



WOW! those are some sexy fish :lol: how much have you bid so far for each?
Are they on Aquabid? You're lucky I didn't come across the first one before you did... I absolutely love him! I just got new bettas... and new shoes... and new chinchilla toys... but I'd still be really tempted. PLEASE let me know if you spawn him!
omg those are some beautiful bettas. I want an aquabid betta!
Oh, I found the yellow and black boy... one of Vinita's no less... good luck! I really hope you win him! If I throw in $5, does that reserve me a couple of his kids?

Oh, and are you getting females for any of them?
Very nice Jaded ^_^ haven't seen you here for a bit :p

I've been here Ryan, where have you been? :p

Oh, I found the yellow and black boy... one of Vinita's no less... good luck! I really hope you win him! If I throw in $5, does that reserve me a couple of his kids?

Oh, and are you getting females for any of them?

I'm in a bidding war for him right now :S Hopefully i get him but I cant go much higher and yes I'm getting matching females for all of the boys and yes you cn have babies!!

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