Would Love To Try Breeding


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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I have 5 bettas right now and would love to try to breed them. Is it really hard in your experience?
It can be time consuming and difficult but definitly worth it, I have a spawn going at the moment, check out my spawn log, its somewhere below this post and feel free to pm me with any questions!
It's a lot of work... lots of feedings and water changes to raise the fry... but totally worth it when you get to watch your babies grow up.
I think i'm ready for it. I just have to buy the supplies. My bettas all seem healthy exept for mango who i've only had for about a week now his fins are a little out of shape.
pretty much you have to change water everyday and monitor your fry. in addition, most fry won't take anything except for live foods, so you'll have to have quite a few batches of infusoria/microworms/vinegar eels going for the first month and brine shrimp hatcheries for 2nd week until 2nd month

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